
Call Logs: General Best Practices

Call logs allow users to record and collect data while on the phone with a customer. This article provides an overview of how call logs are used, as well as best practices for when using them.

Jennifer Trower
Updated by Jennifer Trower

Communication Tools: Overview

This article provides an overview of the Communication Tools feature in Sonar, including an in-depth look at the individual functions —along with how to use them— and what permissions are required.

Kristen Fiddes
Updated by Kristen Fiddes

Email Variables & Conditions

This article lists all available variables that can be used within Sonar, along with an explanation of what data the variables display, and where they can be accessed from.


Message Categories: Overview & Use Cases

This article provides an overview of what message categories are and how they can be used.


Phone Number Types: Overview and Use Cases

This article provides an overview of what phone number types are and how they can be used.

Kristen Fiddes
Updated by Kristen Fiddes

Saved Messages: Overview

This article provides an overview of the saved messages feature and an explanation of how they relate to mass messages.

Jennifer Trower
Updated by Jennifer Trower

Setting up an Outbound Email Domain

This article guides users on how to enable the Sonar instance to send emails using the specific domain set by the user.

Mitchell Paul-Soumis
Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Trigger Explanations

This article defines the specific action for each triggered email that needs to happen in order for the emails to be sent out.


Triggered Messages: Setup

Triggered emails are an easy way to have customized emails sent out to customers automatically based on the occurrence of a particular event. This article details how to set up your own customized triggered emails.

Jennifer Trower
Updated by Jennifer Trower

Using Outbound SMS

This article will walk you through the process of activating your Outbound SMS service built in to your Sonar instance, and the components that let you send messages to your customers.

Mitchell Paul-Soumis
Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Using the Mass Message Tool

The Mass Message tool is used to contact a large number of customers at once through the instance. This article takes you through the process of creating and using Mass Messaging.

Mitchell Paul-Soumis
Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis
