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Sonar's Rich Text Editor

Read Time: 3 mins

The rich text editor is available in numerous areas of Sonar, such as when sending out mass emails, responding to tickets, or creating email messages for triggered emails. It allows users to further customize and stylize plain text by applying formatting, such as bold, italics, underline, etc.

A description of each button available in the rich text editor, as well as an example of what each does, is provided below.

(1) Bold

Editor Icon

What it Does

Applies bold to the text


This text is bolded

(2) Italics

Editor Icon

What it Does

Applies italics to the text


This text is italicized

(3) Strikethrough

Editor Icon

What it Does

Applies strikethrough to the text


This text has strikethrough applied

(4) Underline

Editor Icon

What it Does

Applies an underline to the text


This text has been underlined

(5) Header 1

Editor Icon

What it Does

Formats the text as an H1 header (largest of the header formats)


(6) Header 2

Editor Icon

What it Does

Formats the text as an H2 header (second largest of the header formats)


(7) Header 3

Editor Icon

What it Does

Formats the text as an H3 header (smallest of the header formats)


(8) Bulleted List

Editor Icon

What it Does

Creates an unordered bulleted list


(9) Numbered List

Editor Icon

What it Does

Creates a numbered bulleted list


(10) Quote Block

Editor Icon

What it Does

Creates a quote block for the text


The quoted text appears indented like this

(11) Code Block

Editor Icon

What it Does

Creates a code block for the text


(12) Inline Code

Editor Icon

What it Does

Converts highlighted text into an inline code block


(13) Image

Editor Icon

What it Does

Can be used to insert an inline image to the message body

The direct link for the image must be used (i.e. you must use the actual .png / .jpg path - a link to a page will not work. For example, the link used for the image below is:


Editor Icon

What it Does

The link button allows URL hyperlinks to be inserted into the created message. This link needs to be added to a section of text, and must be formatted as a full URL (e.g.,


URLs look like this:

(15) Variable Menu

Editor Icon

What it Does

Allows variables to be inserted into the message. Variables are wrapped in *| and |* and are used as a placeholder for data; upon being sent out, the variables will populate with the appropriate values. 

The variables button will not be available in all instances where the rich text editor is present; the available variables will also vary, depending on where in Sonar you are accessing it.

To learn more about the available variables, take a look at the Email Variables & Conditions article here.


Variables will appear like this in the message creation section:

and populate with the appropriate value once sent out (i.e., Joe Smith)

In the message preview, you'll see*|CONTACT_NAME|*, which will be replaced with the correct value once sent to the customer.

(16) Conditional Formatting

Editor Icon

What it Does

The conditional formatting button is an easy way of setting conditional variables in your message, establishing chains of responsive variables within an email message.

These conditional variables follow an IF | ELSE format


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