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Release Notes

Kristen Fiddes Updated by Kristen Fiddes

07/23/2024 18:37 CDT


  1. We've enhanced our billing queue to more efficiently process billing and autopay transactions, ensuring timely autopayments on billing days
  2. We've added new message triggers to assist with CPNI best practices:
    1. A contact's password is changed
    2. An account address is changed

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where DHCP leases to dynamic addresses remained after the MAC was assigned to a new static address
  2. Resolved a problem that caused some cost calculations for SMS messages to be inaccurate
  3. Rectified an issue that prevented users from creating Personal Access Tokens via their profile
  4. Fixed an issue where users were unable to click on 'Submit' in the 'Clone Job' modal
  5. Corrected a flaw that removed the account name from the tab title when users navigated to areas such as 'Billing' or 'Tickets' within an account

07/16/2024 18:43 CDT

Bug Fixes

  1. Solved an issue that prevented assigning a DID to an account service if the voice service had been disabled at the instance level
  2. Corrected an error that caused non-Sonar provisioned services in SMx to be erased upon re-provisioning through Sonar
Note: The below Bug Fix relates to our Invoice Template feature which is not yet available for everyone and instead is accessible to those beta testing only - for this reason, you should not see any changes to your Sonar environment.
  1. Fixed an issue that triggered an unintended block deletion prompt when pressing 'delete' or 'backspace' in the invoice template name field

07/08/2024 20:09 CDT

New Features

  1. We've launched our Future Serviceable Addresses feature, allowing you to schedule a target date for a new or current subscriber to take over a currently assigned serviceable address. This feature also includes the ability to schedule jobs at the future serviceable address.

    To read more about this new feature, please refer to our knowledge base documentation here
  2. Voiding for sonarPay payments is now separate from refunding; these payments are tracked explicitly, similar to refunded payments

    To read more about this update, please refer to our knowledge base documentation here


  1. The Refund workflow has been enhanced—users must now first process a reversal, after which a new modal will appear immediately to process a refund (or a void)

    To read more about this update, please refer to our knowledge base documentation here
  2. Enhanced the permalinks for tabs so refreshes and navigating back/forward will allow users to return to the same tab
  3. Updated the Avalara tax definitions available in instances

Bug Fixes

  1. Resolved an issue where large batches of mass emails would fail to send all emails
  2. Corrected the error messaging for malformed and/or invalid queries
  3. Fixed a bug where attempting to process a payment <$5.00 would prompt an error that would then persist once the amount was increased to be >$5.00
Note: The below Bug Fixes relate to our Invoice Template feature which is not yet available for everyone and instead is accessible to those beta testing only - for this reason, you should not see any changes to your Sonar environment.
  1. Resolved a bug that prevented invoices being created if there were only $0 services invoiced
  2. Addressed an issue with long service names and taxes not rendering correctly on an invoice transaction page

07/02/2024 19:08 CDT

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug that allowed two data services to be active on an account when one was added through job completion, causing provisioning conflicts
  2. Corrected the field behavior for creating or editing an Active Directory Auth0 integration; the 'IPs' field now only displays when both 'Cert Auth' and 'Kerberos' are checked
  3. Resolved an issue where services with long names would break the row layout on an invoice created with our Invoice Template feature
    Note: Our Invoice Template feature is not yet available for everyone and instead is accessible to those beta testing only - for this reason, you should not see any changes to your Sonar environment.

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