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Custom Links: Overview

Jennifer Trower Updated by Jennifer Trower

Read Time: 4 mins

Custom Links are designed to bring simplicity to your daily workflow. Whether you use Sonar alone or with other software providers to assist with the management of your company, having a quick, easily accessible link to a 3rd party vendor is helpful. With Custom Links, you have the ability to attach a link to select entities, such as an Account or a Ticket within Sonar. This allows you direct access to other web applications without all the hassle of copying and pasting, or using your bookmarks and opening more browser tabs manually. Clicking a Custom Link will automatically open a new browser tab and take you directly to where you want to go. Another great thing about using Custom Links in Sonar is that when you create one, you can create a unique URL using Custom Fields. This results in the URLs being unique based on the entity you are looking at.


Before getting started with the configuration, your user roles will need to be adjusted to account for the permissions required to use the Custom Links feature.

If you're a Super Admin of your Sonar instance, no permission changes are required for your account. For more information on Roles and Permissions overall, please review this linked article.

Once your permissions are assigned, to create a Custom Link, you will navigate to SettingsMiscCustom Links → Create Custom Link or select Edit or Delete if necessary.

Clicking Create Custom Link will open a modal which allows you to input the necessary information that is required.

  1. The Name field allows you to enter a custom, descriptive name for this Custom link.
  2. The Link Text field is where you will enter the text that will be displayed with the Custom Link.
    The default filtering for our Custom Links table is done by the Link Text.
  3. The Entity Type field allows you to select where you want the Custom Links associated within your instance. This is a required field and controls which custom fields are available when building the URL.
  1. The URL field allows you to enter the URL needed for the link and select the associated Custom Field necessary to go with it. When creating the URL you are required to start the URL with https:// or http:// for it to be a vaild URL entry.
    Only “Text” Custom Fields will be presented as variables when creating a Custom Link.
  2. The Icon is used to quickly identify the custom link within the Custom Link section, allowing for a quick glance selection.
  3. The Color picker allows you to select a visual indicator used to identify the custom link when listed in the Custom Link section of the account, as well as at the top of the account page.
Any changes made to a Custom Link will take a few minutes to update within the system.

After navigating to the Custom Links overview page, you will select the “Edit” option on the line item you which to modify.

When viewing the Custom Link table in Settings, you may come across a broken link. This link will be highlighted in red, indicating that there is an error with the link. Normally, this error is due to a Custom Field being deleted and the Custom Link no longer working, as the variable for the Custom Field is broken.

To fix this link, you will need to select the “Edit” button on the line item and open the Edit Custom Link modal. Once the window is open, you need to select a different Custom Field under the URL field, to correct this error.

Once this is corrected, the red highlight will disappear and no longer indicate an error with the link.

There are a few different places where you can view Custom Links associated with an Entity. Since Custom Links are associated with Accounts and Ticketing, below will show where each entity will provide you access to view your Custom Links.

If you do not see a link on an entity, then it means that the particular entity doesn't have the Custom Fields filled out that are required to create the Custom Link.
Hovering over a Custom Link icon, in the header of an overview page, will provide a display of the Link Text.


Firstly, for Accounts, you can view the sidebar associated with the necessary account on the Account Management page, or navigate to a user's account where you will see Custom links in two spots within the Account Overview page.

  1. In the Header on the Account Overview page. Here you will have access to 5 link icons with a dropdown menu to view an additional 20 custom links.
If you have more than 25 Custom Links associated with an Account, then you will need to navigate to the Custom Links section down further on the Overview page to view the remaining Custom Links.
  1. In the Custom Links section on the Account Overview page, found below the Notes section on the page. Here, you can view up to 10 custom links per page.
Custom Links will appear in alphabetical order based on the Link Text.


Secondly, with Ticketing, you can view Custom Links by navigating to the Ticketing tab, then selecting the arrow to open the sidebar for a line item, or you can open a ticket to view your attached links. Once you open the ticket, you will find the Custom Link icons in two places within the Ticket Overview page.

  1. The header of the ticket.
  2. Under the “Ticket Information” section on the left side of the screen.

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