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Best Practices for Fast Tracking a Support Request

Julianna Durie Updated by Julianna Durie

Read Time: 2 mins

There are several ways to contact the Sonar Support Team. This article will provide you the information necessary to expedite your Support Requests.

Using the Phone Support

Sonar offers regular phone support Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central time. Support can be reached via the US at 702-447-1247 or via the Canadian at 780-900-1180.

We also offer Emergency Support 24/7 at a rate of $250 per an hour with a minimum of 1 hour.

When to Use Phone Support

  1. It requires an immediate answer.
  2. Too complicated to explain by ticket.
  3. Need to speak with a specific team member. 
  4. An urgent instance issue, like your instance is offline.

Using Ticket Support (

The Support team endeavors to respond to all tickets/emails within 24 to 48 business hours. 

To expedite responses, please include the following in your ticket.

  1. Your Company, if not using the company email. A Gmail account or emailing from a different company makes it difficult for the team to determine what company is seeking help.
  2. Create a new email or ticket for a new topic. Do not open a billing ticket and then 3 months later reopen the ticket to ask about a pulse map question.
  3. Be as specific on the issue or problem and what is expected. The Support team is looking for exactly what the error or issue is and what. Example: I reviewed our billing today and no invoices were generated or sent out. I expected 100 bills to go out. 
  4. Include an example of the account or network in issue. For example, if a bill was not generated for a customer, please tell us John Smith / Account 100 did not generate a bill. 
  5. Include any errors you receive.  A snapshot of the error in question or a copy of the error code is always helpful.
  6. Provide clear deadlines. My poller needs to be set up by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. CST.

Using the Sonar Forum for Support Requests

Our User Community Forum offers an official space to communicate with Sonar customers and staff alike where you can share tips, tricks, questions, and ideas with each other. While Sonar staff may be present within the forum, they may not be able to respond in a timely fashion. For this reason, any issues that arise should still be escalated through the existing support path via

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