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Getting Started with Inventory

Read Time: 2 mins


Inventory management is an important aspect of business which if done well can lead to a reduction in storage cost, idle time, and overall disruption to the operations of a business.

The Inventory module in Sonar enables users to have full control over their assets/equipment.

By utilizing the inventory module to track your assets, you will have access to the history of all the touchpoints associated with any particular item stored in the module. Essentially, you will have a complete genealogy (lifecycle) of each item. A typical lifecycle for an item would be that it is initially added to Sonar and assigned to a warehouse. A technician then comes to the warehouse and picks up the item for installation, so a warehouse employee moves the item to the technician directly, or to his or her vehicle. The technician then installs the item at a customer location, so the item is reassigned to the customer's account. The customer later cancels, and the technician picks up the item, reassigning it to him or herself, or the vehicle they are driving. Finally, when the item is delivered back to the warehouse, it is reassigned to the warehouse by the warehouse employee that receives it. That item will now show a history of where it has been, and when.

Sonar's Inventory module is comprised of five key setup categories to track all inventory items including: Categories, Generic Inventory Assignees, Inventory Locations, Manufacturers and Vehicles.

In order to get your inventory completely set up and tracked, you will need to go through each section of the inventory module to insert your information



Setup of Inventory: Manufacturers, Categories, and Assignees

This article will take you through the process of setting up the Inventory Manufacturers, Model Categories, and Device Assignees in your instance. These settings come into play when adding new devices to inventory.

Inventory List View: Overview

This article provides an overview of the basic features and page layout for the Inventory List and Inventory Item management views

Inventory Model Management: General Overview

In this article, we'll be looking at navigating around this page, how to create a new Inventory Model, how to manage and modify an existing Inventory Model, and how to add new items to each model.

How did we do?

Getting Started with Accounts

Getting Started With Jobs
