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How to: Adding a Service to an Account

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Read Time: 5 mins

Adding a Service to an account actively lets you charge and invoice customers within Sonar. Whether you're adding recurring services or sets of One-Time transactions, almost all billable activity relies on Services.

Before adding Services to an account, there are a few prerequisite pieces to the puzzle. First, you'll need to have Services created, which is detailed within the Services: Overview article. Next, you'll need to have accounts created, which is covered in the Creating a New Account article.

Adding the Services

Adding Services is a straightforward process, simply follow these steps:

  1. Access the Accounts Page, then click on the name of the account:
    Accessing the Account Through the Search Bar
    You can also open an account by using the Global Search tool, accessible at the top of every page, or by double-tapping the SHIFT key. Once open, type in the Account Name or Account ID and click the Globe Icon:

  2. This will bring you to the Account Management View. From there, click on the Billing Tab, then the "Services & Packages" sub-tab:
  3. If there are any Services already on the account, they'll be displayed here. Using either the centrally located "Add Service" button, which only appears if there are no services on the account, or the button in the top-left, we can open the Create Account Service modal:
  4. With the modal open, select your service from the dropdown and fill in all required fields:
    Account Service Fields Breakdown
    Create Service Modal

    1. The Service Dropdown will allow you to select context-appropriate services, in this case, it will display Data Services, Expiring Services, Recurring Services, and Voice Services.

    2. The Quantity field allows you to add multiple of the same service to the account. This is useful for some recurring services, such as Domain Renewals.

    3. The Price Override allows you to set a custom price for the Service being added to the account. This override will persist for the account, regardless of any changes made to the original service price.

    4. The Price Override Reason field allows you to include notes on why the price is being overridden. This field will appear regardless of if a Price Override is provided, but it is not a required field.

    5. The Name Override field allows you to provide a unique name for this service, which will appear on invoices and on the transactions list.

    6. The Next Bill Date field will be available when setting multi-month services to accounts that bill monthly, allowing you to specify the next bill date for the service.

    7. The Prorate field allow you to adjust the cost of the service when it's added to the account, based on the progress through the Billing Period.
  5. Once you click "Create", the Service will be applied to the account:
Any individual account can only have a single Data service on it, but can have multiple recurring services.

Services added in this way are billed and invoiced on a monthly basis, in line with the configuration of the account's billing settings.

One-Time & Adjustment Services

While the previous section demonstrated how you can add any Data, Expiring, Recurring, or Voice services to an account, this section will provide examples of adding One-Time Services/Transactions, and show where Adjustment Services would be added.

From any account management view, follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the Billing tab, followed by the "Transactions" sub-tab:
  2. Using the highlighted buttons, you'll be able to manage your One-Time Transactions or Adjustments.
    1. The One-Time Transactions menu allows you to add any service available to this account, limited by Account Group, Account Type, or the Company, to the account. This is the only way you're able to add One Time services created in your instance.
    2. The Adjustment menu allows you to make use of the created Adjustment Services in your instance. Using Adjustments will contribute towards any caps or limitations you've set when creating the Service.

Services added as an Adjustment or One-time transaction will be billed immediately, but invoiced in line with the account's billing settings.

Overage Services

The last type of service that can be added to a customer account is an Overage service.

Overage Service application on an account requires that the account have a Usage-Based Billing policy in place. You can read more about those here | Usage Based Billing Policies: Overview and Usage

Overage Services get applied in two ways:

  1. Automatically, as part of the Usage Based Billing policy, when the customer surpasses the allocated usage.
  2. Manually, as part of a Data Top Off
    Data Usage Top-Offs can only be added if the "Allow purchase of additional capacity during billing period" option is enabled during Usage Based Billing Policy creation:
    1. From any Account Management View, as long as the Account's service has a Usage Based Billing policy enabled, go to the Billing Tab, then the Transactions sub-tab:
    2. Using the "Data Top Off" button located above the Transactions pane, we can apply one or multiple instances of the Overage Service:
    3. Highlighted, you can see which Overage service is being used, dependent on the Usage Based Billing Policy:
Only accounts with Usage Based billing can view the Data Top-Off tab.
The customer can also add Data Usage Top-Off directly through the Customer Portal, if it's enabled on your instance.

Data Usage Top-Offs will be billed immediately, but will only be invoiced in line with the account's billing settings.

Price Overrides on an Account

When adding a service to an account, or when editing it at a later date, it's possible to apply a price override to the service. Price overrides are used to change the amount being charged for a service at the account level. When a price override is applied to a service, details about the override and the original price will be viewable on the account, as can be seen in the image below.

When a price override is in place, that price will persist at the account level regardless of any changes made to the original amount for the service. For example, in the image above we can see the original price of the service is $65, with our override set to $50 for the customer. If we increased the original price of the service to $70.00, the customer would continue to be billed for the $50.00, as set in the price override on the account; however, this change in the original service pricing would now be updated at the account level, as seen in the image below.

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