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Exploring Ticket Groups

Kristen Fiddes Updated by Kristen Fiddes

Read Time: 4 mins

What is a Ticket Group

Ticket Groups are used to organize and identify the various types of tickets made within your instance. When used in conjunction with Inbound Mailboxes, you can enable a specific group to be automatically attached to any emails received at a particular address in your instance. Organizing your tickets per group allows departments to focus solely on the tickets relevant to them, which not only improves efficiency in addressing tickets but can also improve your customer experience by ensuring the most knowledgeable team is the one responding to their department-specific questions.

For information on how to configure Inbound Mailboxes within your instance, and examples of them in use, please read Inbound Mailboxes Example Build

Examples of Using Ticket Groups

Example 1: Escalating a Service Issue

Bob is currently working on a support ticket for a customer. Through his troubleshooting, he identifies that the access point the customer should be connected to is offline. As Bob does not have the necessary access to delve into network issues, he has to escalate the ticket to tier 2 so that they can troubleshoot further. To do this, Bob would edit the ticket and change the drop-down below "Ticket Group" from "Tier 1 Support" to "Tier 2 Support". With the ticket now moved to a new group, Bob can move on to the next ticket in his queue while Alice, as a member of tier 2, focuses on the new ticket in her queue.

Example 2: Resolving a Vague Ticket

Alice works in customer service and part of her job entails addressing any emails received at info@my.isp. She is currently reading an email from Bob who is indicating he is dissatisfied with the service, however, due to the vague language of the email, Alice cannot distinguish whether Bob simply wants to upgrade his speed or if he is not receiving his package speeds. Alice responds to Bob with detailed questions so that she can ensure she understands the problem at hand. Bob responds, explaining that his contract references receiving up to 50Mbps but a speed test is reflecting a maximum of 5Mbps. As Alice does not have the relevant training to assist Bob, she edits the "Ticket Group" from "Customer Service" to "Tier 1 Support" so that the correct department can improve Bob's experience.

Where and How to Edit Ticket Groups

The ability to add, edit and remove Ticket Groups can be found within your instance settings menu, under the Ticketing header.

From the Ticket Groups screen (pictured above), you can view all existing Ticket Groups in your instance and quickly see whether they are private or not. In addition to this, you can modify existing groups by clicking on the group's "Edit" button to the far right. If you require a new group, you can add another by clicking on "Create Ticket Group" in the top right corner while on the same page.

How to Create a Ticket Group

Ticket Groups require configuration of 4 settings in order to be used to their fullest potential, pictured and described below:

  1. Enabled: If the Group is enabled, tickets can be assigned to the group within the ticketing interface, and Inbound Mailboxes can be configured to automatically classify received tickets within the group. By default, this option will be checked, however, disabling a group could be beneficial for certain periods of time. For example, when running an audit, for promotional purposes, or any situation in which a year-round group is otherwise unnecessary.
  2. Private: Tickets in a private group are only viewable by users within that group, or by users with the Ticketing Super User permission. This feature can be particularly beneficial for situations where there is confidential or sensitive information in a ticket that you only want viewable by certain individuals.
  3. Name: This is simply the name of the ticket group, however, it should be easily identifiable when assigning it to inbound mailboxes or managing tickets.
  4. Users: This category allows you to assign users to this ticket group. When a ticket is assigned to a group a user is in, they will see that ticket in the ticketing interface when using the My Tickets filter. Circling back to the "Private" section, this would be where you indicate who would have access to that confidential group.

Examples of Ticket Group Names

Ticket Groups should share similar naming schemes to your Inbound Mailboxes, however it's good to note that multiple Inbound Mailboxes can be assigned to a single ticket group. Some common ticket groups are as follows:

  • Support
  • Billing
  • Sales
  • Onboarding
  • Cancellation

With Private Ticket Groups typically reserved for escalation paths, some common Private Groups would be:

  • NOC
  • Managers
  • Infrastructure

This allows users to make comments and track tickets while ensuring only the required individuals can see and make changes to the ticket.

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