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Canned Replies Examples & Templates

Julianna Durie Updated by Julianna Durie

Read Time: 3 mins

Canned Replies Examples and Templates

Canned replies are template answers used for ticket responses to your customers. This functionality is to provide you a quick and standard answer to repetitive questions in an efficient manner. These canned replies can be used for regular questions about where to send payments, to respond to tickets regarding a specific tower interruption, or payment processor outage. They can also be used for internal purposes, such as reporting failed installs. Canned replies are an excellent way to speed communication between your company and your customers and also internally among your employees.

How to Create a Canned Reply Template for Ticketing

You will need to create a canned reply category prior to creating a canned reply. For more information on creating canned reply categories, refer to the Canned Reply Categories documentation.

To create a Canned Reply Template go to Settings > Ticketing > Canned Replies. On the top right side, click on the blue “Create” button.

A Canned Reply has three parts, all of which are required and displayed below:

  1. Name: This is the title the employee will see under the category. It should be brief but also informative. Example: Payment Mailing Address or Router Doesn’t Turn On
  2. Body: This houses the actual text of the reply. The body is fully customizable, providing document processor features, such as different header sizes, bold etc. and also allows for the use of variables, which are available from the Variable menu (as seen below).
    At this time, the template does not allow you select different font types within the contracts. For more information on the tools available in Sonar's rich text editor, take a look at the documentation here.

You can also use copy and paste feature to input text into the body - keep in mind may need to remove extra spaces when pasting in a complete document.
  1. Canned Reply Category: This is where you will define the category that the canned reply should be associated with.

Once you have saved the canned reply it will appear in the Canned Replies list. From here, you will be able to see the name of the canned reply, what category it is contained within, and will also have the option to view the full body text in a separate window (through clicking "View" under the Body column).

Examples of Canned Reply Topics and Canned Replies

Canned reply categories should make it easy for your employees to find canned replies. Below are some examples of canned replies for particular topics that are commonly experienced.

 Best Practices for Canned Replies

  • They should be informative and simple. 
  • Should be used for answers that are repeated, such as what to do if your internet speed is slow or where to send your payments.
  • Canned replies can be updated as your policies change - you are able to keep the same name but change the body of the reply, as needed.
  • Canned replies are also intended for your internal employee usage, such as technicians in the field. This allows them to report issues in tickets in a faster manner. 
  • The canned replies can be changed and/or edited from within the ticket; the information is standardized but an employee still has the option to add or delete information in the canned reply, if necessary. 

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Advanced Ticketing Features

Canned Reply Categories
