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General Ledger Codes: Overview

Read Time: 1 mins

General ledger codes are codes that you can assign to debit or discount entries to make accounting easier and more functional.

When creating a general ledger code, you can assign a code (typically a number) and a description of the code. For example, charges for Internet Service may all be coded '4000' with a description of 'Monthly Internet Usage.'

You can then associate this general ledger code with all of your Internet services by editing the service under Settings > Billing > Services and applying the general ledger code.

Once a service has a general ledger code, any transactions moving forward will be tagged with the code and description. This code can then be used as a filter or pivot in all financial reporting.

Any changes made to general ledger codes only apply moving forward.

Once a transaction has been generated, it will always maintain the general ledger code and description that existed at the time of the transaction, regardless of the code associated with the service currently.


Below is a sample set of some basic general ledger codes that some companies tend to utilize:

General Ledger Code

General Ledger Description


Residential Data Services


Residential Non-Data Services


Residential Installation Fees


Residential Equipment Sales & Rental


Residential Service Calls


Commercial Data Services


Commercial Non-Data Services


Commercial Installation Fees


Commercial Equipment Sales & Rental


Commercial Service Calls

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Email Invoice Batch: Overview

General Transactions: Best Practices
