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Main Menu: Overview

Jennifer Trower Updated by Jennifer Trower

Read Time: 4 mins

Within your instance, Sonar provides offers a collapsable navigational main menu which provides you with access to many of your most used areas.

When first logging into your instance, you will see the expanded version of the main menu. This version allows for you to view the menu item name and icon.

To collapse the menu, you can click on the Collapse Menu arrow at the top of the main menu. This version allows for you to maximize the space on your page with the information you need to view.

When the menu is collapsed, you can hover your mouse over the icons associated with each menu item to view the name of that item. If you click on an icon that has an arrow next to it, the submenu items for that section will open.

Now let's dive into the options that are provided within the main menu toolbar. You are provided with twelve main options to choose from the menu. Eight of those options also have submenus providing you with further options you can select from. Let's break them each down.

Not all options within the main menu will navigate you directly to a landing page. If it has a submenu, you will need to select the submenu item before you will be navigated away from your current page.
After selecting an option, it will remain highlighted within the menu to show your current selection.


Clicking on the Accounts option will navigate you directly to the Accounts landing page within your instance.

Billing Tools

Clicking on the Billing Tools option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Billing Tools are:

  1. ACH Batches
  2. Batch Payment Entry
  3. Deposit Slips
  4. Email Invoice Batch
  5. Printed Invoice Batches
  6. Print to Mail Batches
  7. Chargebacks & Disputes
    Chargebacks & Disputes is only available to instances enrolled in sonarPay.


Clicking on the Communications option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Communications are:

  1. Call Logs
  2. Messages


Clicking on the Ticketing option will navigate you directly to the Ticketing landing page within your instance.


Clicking on the Scheduling option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Scheduling are:

To navigate between the three scheduling views, you must use the main menu to select the view you want.
  1. Dispatcher View
  2. Jobs Table
  3. Week View

Network & IPAM

Clicking on the Network & IPAM option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Network & IPAM are:

  1. Network Dashboard
  2. Network Sites
  3. FiberMap Plan Queue
    Vetro FiberMaps is only available to instances that have this integration established within it.
  4. IPAM


Clicking on the Inventory option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Inventory are:

  1. Consumable Items
  2. Trackable Items
  3. Manage Models

Purchase Orders

Clicking on the Purchase Orders option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Purchase Orders are:

  1. Purchase Orders
  2. Vendors
  3. All Vendor Inventory
  4. Non-Inventory Items
  5. Purchase Groups

Location Tools

Clicking on the Location Tools option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Location Tools are:

  1. Map
  2. Serviceable Addresses
  3. Future Serviceable Addresses
  4. FiberMap Service Location Queue
    Vetro FiberMaps is only available to instances that have this integration established within it.


Clicking on the Reports option will navigate you directly to the Reports landing page within your instance.

Sonar Billing

Clicking on the Sonar Billing option will open the submenu options. You can select the option you are looking for, and it will navigate you to that landing page.

Submenu options for Sonar Billing are:

  1. Account Overview
  2. Invoices
  3. Transactions
  4. sonarPay
    sonarPay is only available to instances enrolled in sonarPay.


Clicking on the Settings option will navigate you directly to the Settings landing page within your instance.

Mobile View

Within the Mobile view, you will see the menu in the top-left corner. The menu works the same as in the web browser, except for when you expand a submenu. Expanding a submenu will expand the options below the main selection instead of to the side.

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