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IPAM: Basic Setup

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Read Time: 2 mins

Building Supernets

To get started, you must first define your Supernets. A Supernet is the largest, contiguous subnet you have. When defining a Supernet, whether IPv4 or IPv6, the creation process is identical. To get started:

  1. Click on IPAM
  2. Click on "Create Supernet"

For example, if you use the Subnet across your network, then your first Supernet would be entered as

Building Subnets

Once you have created a Supernet, you can break it up into smaller subnets. By breaking your IP space into subnets, you can then assign it to customers or network devices. To create a Subnet, you can select it by clicking the drop-down next to the “Create Supernet” button, or by going into your added Supernet and selecting “Create Subnet”.

Much like Supernets, IPv6 Subnets are created the same way as IPv4 Subnets. However, where IPv4 is further refined into IP Pools, IPv6 addresses are assigned via RADIUS or DHCP directly from the Subnet.

When creating a subnet, you must fill out fields, as shown below:

The Type option within Subnet creation determines what this subnet can be used for. If you select Accounts only, the subnet can only be assigned to customer equipment. If you select Network Sites only, it can only be assigned to network infrastructure. If you select Mixed, it can be assigned to both customers and network infrastructure. Finally, if you select Excluded, it cannot be assigned to anything and will be reserved for future use.

Building Pools

When you create a subnet, you can assign space from it to customers and network infrastructure using any prefix available within the subnet. To define an IP pool, click on the newly added subnet, then click the “Create IP Pool” Button.

When defining an IP pool, you select a start and end IP for the pool. When assignments are made inside the pool, they can only be made for a single IP - you cannot assign larger subnets from a pool. During pool creation, you will have the option to associate the pool with specific DHCP servers & LTE EPCs. If a DHCP server is not set to control all pools, and you associate it with a pool, leases for that pool will be written to the DHCP server. See the DHCP server and the LTE EPC documentation for more details.

For example, if you create a /24 Subnet, you can assign a /24 or smaller Subnet to a customer, or to network infrastructure. However, this doesn't make sense if you are assigning single IPs from a pool via DHCP or RADIUS, so Sonar also allows you to define IP Pools.

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IP Assignments & Sonar

IPAM: Overview
