Table of Contents

Getting Started with Accounts

Getting Ready to Create Accounts

Serviceable Addresses: Overview and Usage

This article will take you through the process of creating a new serviceable address, and explain its usage and some of its limitations.

Account Types: Overview & Example Use Cases

Account types are used to categorize accounts based on common customer or business types. This article describes how to create account types, as well as why this is useful from a billing perspective.

Account Groups: Overview & Example Use Cases

This article provides information on account groups: what they are, how to create them, and examples of how they can be used.

Account Statuses: Overview & Example Use Cases

In this article, we review account statuses, which allow you to control the activation and organization of an account.

Creating a New Account

This article provides an example of what account creation looks like in Sonar, and serves as a rough step-by-step guide to creating an account in your instance.

Working With Accounts

Account List View: Overview

This article provides an overview of the information and features available from the account list view within Sonar.

Account Management View: Overview

The account view screen is home to both current and historical information about the account and allows you to perform a variety of actions against an account. This article details all of the information and actions that are available from within this screen and how you can interact with it.

Child Accounts: Best Practices & How Tos

Child accounts allow you to connect one or more accounts within Sonar, in a parent-child style relationship. This affects account transactions, invoices, and also comes with additional considerations with the account billing parameters that should be reviewed prior to using this functionality.

Notes & Tasks: Best Practices & Use Cases

Notes and tasks allow you to keep all employees on the same page with account related information and help to prevent any necessary tasks from being overlooked. This document contains details on each feature as well as the how-to's of setting them both up.

Scheduled Events: Overview & Use Cases

Scheduled events are actions that you can automate within Sonar to have some sort of change occur automatically at a later date. They are configured individually per account and can be utilized to help make your normal processes more efficient.

Disconnecting an Account

Deletion of accounts is not supported within Sonar, however you can disconnect an account. This article provides the how-to for disconnecting accounts, as well as the results that this action has.

Communicating With Accounts

Triggered Messages: Setup

Triggered messages are an easy way to have customized emails sent out to customers automatically based on the occurrence of a particular event. This article details how to set up your own customized triggered messages.

Using the Mass Message Tool

The Mass Message tool is used to contact a large number of customers at once through the instance. This article takes you through the process of creating and using Mass Messages.

How did we do?

Getting Started with Inventory
