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Account List View: Overview

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The Account list view in Sonar is the first screen you will see when navigating into your Sonar instance and can be accessed by clicking "Accounts" from the left side panel, underneath the Financial header. Every account in your Sonar instance will be displayed here, along with key details for the account, and different actions you can take. An overview of the information and features available from this screen is provided below.

The total number of accounts is visible in two locations on the page - below the "Mass Email" button (pictured) and at the bottom of the page (pictured below).

  1. Filter Panel: This top panel houses the different filters that can be applied, as well as a text-based search bar, to drill down and limit the accounts list to only what you are interested in viewing. Through the Simple/Advanced toggle, you can switch between the simple filters (what is shown in the image above) and the advanced filters, depending on the search you are performing. For a more in-depth look at using simple and advanced filters, take a look at our Filtering: Simple vs Advanced article.
  2. Overview Column: Key details for the account are displayed within this column, and each item is discussed below.
    To help illustrate where these items can be found, the corresponding item for the example in the above image will be provided within brackets () below as well.
    1. Name of the account (Peter Parent) - clicking the name will open the account, while clicking the arrow at the end of the row opens a sidebar window that contains additional details for the account.
    The name of the account is not necessarily the same as the name of the primary contact for the account.
    1. Account status (Active) - clicking here will open the Edit Account window, where you can modify the account details.
    2. Account type (Residential) - clicking on the account type will open the Edit Account window, where you can modify the account details.
    3. Any groups the account belongs to (Legacy Customers) - clicking here will open the Edit Account window, where you can modify the account details.
    4. Account ID (#1) - The ID number of the account.
    5. Company that the account is associated with (Westlake Wireless) - Details on the company are available by opening the sidebar.
  3. Contact Information Column: This column will display information for the primary contact of the account, as indicated by the 'Primary' label next to the contact name. The role of the contact is provided within brackets, beside the contact's name. The primary contact's email address is also displayed, directly above the contact's customer portal username (if the customer portal is enabled), and any available phone numbers will be listed along with the type of phone number it is (mobile, work, or home). Clicking the arrow at the end of the row will open a sidebar, with further details about the contact.
    The phone numbers displayed in this column have click-to-call functionality, so you can quickly call the contact without navigating away from the page.
  4. Serviceable Address: The serviceable address that the account is associated with is displayed here.
  5. Next Bill Date Column: Here you can view the next bill date for the account, which might differ between customers depending on how you have configured your billing parameters.
  6. Counts Column: The "counts" column displays 4 different items that can be associated with the account, along with the totals of each. From left to right these items are:
    1. Tasks: The total number of incomplete tasks on the account.
    2. Jobs: The total number of jobs that have not yet been completed for the account (i.e. jobs that have not yet been scheduled, are scheduled, or in progress).
    3. Notes: The total number of notes on the account.
    4. Accounts: The total number of child accounts that this particular account is linked to.
    Hovering over each of the icons within the Counts column will display the item's label.
  7. Edit Menu: Clicking "Edit" will open the Edit Account window, where you can modify the account's details; clicking the downwards arrow next to "Edit" will provide you with additional actions you can take on the account, such as adding a call log, moving an IP assignment, disconnecting the account, or linking a parent account.
  8. Mass Email: By clicking the "Mass Email" button you will be brought into the Mass Email screen where you can send out a customized email to all, or a subset of, your customers. To learn more about the mass email feature you can review our Using the Mass Email Tool article here.
  9. Call Logs: The call logs screen, which contains all call logs across your instance, can be accessed by clicking the "Call Logs" button here. For more information on using call logs, take a look at our Call Logs: General Best Practices article.
  10. Create Account: Clicking this button will open the Create Account window where you can fill out the details to make a new account in your instance. From within this window, once you click "Create", you will automatically be navigated into that account's management page.

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