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User Profile: Your Personal User Settings

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The personal user settings page (also known as the “User Profile” page) houses information specific to your individual user within the Sonar instance. This article will provide an overview of the information contained here and how you can interact with it.

Navigating to your user settings page can be done quickly from any screen within Sonar. Clicking on your avatar from the top right corner will automatically open the User Profile page.

User Profile Overview

An overview and explanation of the content found on this page and the actions available to you are provided below.

  1. Main Header: this main panel displays the full name of the user, along with the “My Info” indicator to let you know which page you are currently viewing. This panel also contains additional user-specific details, such as:
    1. Name: the full name of the user.
    2. Username: the name that is used to access the Sonar instance.
    3. Public Name: the name that can be used to appear in public replies, such as in ticketing.
    4. Role: the role of the user within the instance; if the user is not a Super Admin, the specific role applied to their instance user will appear here.
  2. Update Info: clicking this button will open a window where you can view and modify any of the data that is displayed within the main header panel or the contact information section of the User Profile page. From here, you can also set the language preference for your instance user, along with a paginator size, and change your password.
The paginator size will determine how many results you see at one time in other areas of Sonar. For example, if your paginator size is set to 50, the Accounts list screen will display 50 results by default.
Upon saving the password change, you will be logged out of the Sonar instance and be required to sign back in with the new password.
  1. Logout: this option populates a confirmation window. Once confirmed, you will be logged out.
  1. Contact Information: the phone number and email address set up for the user will be listed here; the phone number listed will also have click-to-call functionality
  2. Calendar Integrations: the iCalendar Feed option is found here. Allowing the user to generate, regenerate, and copy the calendar link needed to integrate jobs, time off, and blocked events for outside calendars.
  3. Personal Preferences: the Default page on login option is listed here for the user.
    1. Default page on login: using this option will override the landing page for the user once they have logged into the instance. By default, this option is set to “Accounts”.
    Default page on login Options
    Not all options will be available to all users. Some options require specific permissions to view and select.
    1. Last visited page: this option causes the instance to remember the user's last visited page. Upon logging into the instance this would be the page populated.
    2. User Profile (Current page): this option causes the landing page to be the User Profile page, upon logging into the instance.
    3. Accounts: this option causes the landing page to be the Accounts page, upon logging into the instance.
    4. Billing Tools: this option causes the landing page to be the Billing Tools page, upon logging into the instance.
    5. Communication Tools: this option causes the landing page to be the Communication Tools page, upon logging into the instance.
    6. Ticketing: this option causes the landing page to be the Ticketing page, upon logging into the instance.
    7. Scheduling / All Jobs: this option causes the landing page to be the Scheduling / All Jobs page, upon logging into the instance.
    8. Scheduling / Dispatcher View: this option causes the landing page to be the Scheduling / Dispatcher View page, upon logging into the instance.
    9. Scheduling / Week View: this option causes the landing page to be the Scheduling / Week View page, upon logging into the instance.
    Without specific permissions, not all options are available. If you're a Super-Admin of your Sonar instance, no permission changes are required for your account. For more information on Roles and Permissions overall, please review this linked article.


Any incomplete tasks are displayed, along with the entity the task is attached to (which clicking on will automatically navigate you to the account management page), the task itself, the due date, and the status of whether the task has been completed yet.

Once a task is marked as completed, it will no longer appear in this list.


Any jobs that your user is assigned to will appear here, along with the date and time it is scheduled for, the length in minutes, the job type, and the entity that the job is associated with. Clicking on the entity will automatically navigate you to the account management page.

Once a job has been completed, the Complete status column will update to show Yes.


This is where users can select the type of notification they wish to receive, if any, for each of the listed events; through the “Email Me” and “In-App Notification” toggles, users can decide whether they wish to receive email alerts, in-app notifications, or both when specific events occur.

By default, each newly created user will be set to receive in-app notifications for each action listed here.

When an in-app notification is received, a red badge will appear on the Sonar logo, indicating the number of unread notifications; clicking on the icon will open the notifications list where users can view further details.

For more information on Notifications and Alerts in Sonar, check out the Notification Preferences article.


A log of changes and activity on the user account is shown here, along with the avatar of the user responsible for the change, and a timestamp of when the change was made. Clicking on an item from the log will expand to show further details about that activity.

Personal Access Tokens

Any personal access tokens that have been generated for the user will be listed here, along with the name the access token was given when created, the date and time it was created, and will provide the option to delete.

Create Personal Access Token: clicking on this option from the list will allow you to generate a personal access token for the user. You will first be prompted to provide a name for the access token (which will be displayed under the Personal Access Tokens section), and then after clicking “Create”, the token will be displayed to you in a separate window.

Your token will only be available after this form is submitted, and afterward will be hidden for security purposes. For this reason it is very important that you copy and store it somewhere safe.

Once you have copied the token, you will then need to click "Confirm" - after these steps have been completed, the token will appear in the Personal Access Tokens section of the page as shown above.

For more information on how you can utilize personal access tokens in Sonar, take a look at our article API Calls Using Third Party Applications - Personal Access Tokens.

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