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Scheduling Week View: Overview

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Read Time: 5 mins

The weekly view section of the Scheduling module builds on core concepts introduced in the Dispatcher View, and some of that knowledge is a prerequisite to getting the most out of this view.

Scheduling jobs in your instance will often require a startling amount of foresight. Whether you schedule a single job or hundreds of jobs daily, being able to look forward and confirm availability is an invaluable tool in your Sonar toolbox. The Scheduling Week View, accessible from the main Scheduling module, provides this functionality, offering a condensed view of scheduled jobs on a weekly basis.

To access this page, click on "Week View" button on the Scheduling Table View:

The "Week View" button is also available in the Dispatcher View

What is the Week View

The Week View is a subset of the Scheduling module that will list all technicians, their scheduled jobs, drive times, blockers, and scheduled time-off within a specific selected week. Its primary usage is to provide a quick view of availability, and is not designed to allow for in-depth scheduling or booking new jobs. Despite the wealth of data available in the Week view, it's deceptively simple to understand its contents.

  1. The Job/Technician toggle allows you to switch between the available filtering panels, which will affect the filter list.
  2. The Filter list allows you to search the calendar or apply predefined filters, based on the selected filter toggle.
  3. The Dispatcher/Table View buttons will take you to their respective sections of the scheduling module
  4. The Weekends toggle allows you to control whether Sunday and Saturday will be displayed on the calendar. If your organization doesn't schedule jobs over the weekend, this toggle can be disabled, and the calendar will only show the 5 weekdays.
  5. The Zoom In/Out buttons allow you to modify the scope of the calendar. Rather than zooming in to a particular section, the magnification expands the size of each time block.
  6. The Week selector allows you to choose which date range will be shown in the calendar section. When you select a date, the corresponding week will be displayed.
  7. The This Week button will take you to the current week, and display those dates on the calendar.
  8. The Weekly Summary section will list
    1. Any unavailable technicians, at the top of each day.
    2. The total number of scheduled jobs in a day.
    3. The Total number of each job type in a day.
      If there are too many unique job types to list, hovering over the "+X more" listing will provide the total of all hidden types
    4. The current day, reflected by the blue line underneath the date
    Clicking on any of the dates in the Weekly Summary section will take you to the Dispatcher view for that specific day.
  9. The Current Time slider provides a visual reference for the current time while you're in the Week view.
  10. The Weekly Calendar view contains a visual representation of all your jobs in any given week. This calendar has several functions:
    1. Each row will list your technicians based on their daily schedule availability. A single row will show 12 technicians before you need to scroll horizontally to see more.
    2. Hovering over a job in the calendar will display a pop-up, showing information about the job.
    3. This section also shows a full 24 hours. When zoomed out as far as possible, you'll be able to see entire 12-hour sections at a time.
Both the Filters section and the Weekly Summary section can be collapsed using the caret located below each of them.

Filtering in the Week View

The filtering for the Week View, much like the Dispatcher View, takes place across 2 different subsections – Job and Technicians.

For more information on Filtering in Sonar, check out the linked article | Filtering: Simple vs Advanced
Jobs filters

These filters are used to narrow the overall view to specific jobs or job types, showing only those filtered results in the weekly calendar.

Jobs filters will not clear any technician names, even if the technician has no relevant job types scheduled.
  1. Search; which in this context will search through scheduled jobs in the selected week.
  2. Entity; which allows you to filter the scheduled jobs based on their assigned entity, whether a Network Site or Account.
  3. Job Type; which will show only jobs of the selected type on the calendar.
  4. Ticket; which will show jobs that have the selected ticket assigned to them.
  5. Assigned To; which will show all jobs assigned to the selected technician
Technician filters

These filters allow you to narrow your week view to show technicians who only meet specific criteria. Whether you're using the search bar, the predetermined fields, or advanced filtering, you'll be able to gain insight on specific technicians, and their workloads.

  1. Search; which in this context will search through your technician's based on ID or Name. The search bar will also find relevant details from other text, such as scheduled availability or schedule blockers.
  2. Geofence; which will show technicians based on the Geofences they've been assigned to.
    This filter touches on the Geofences section of the Job Type configuration, defined under Settings → Scheduling → Job Types.
  3. Job Type; which filters the technicians based on who is qualified to work the specific job type.
  4. Role; which filters the technician list based on their user role, defined in Settings → Security → Roles.
  5. User; which will display only the selected technician.
  6. Company; which will filter the technicians list based on which company (or companies) they're restricted to.
    This filter touches on the Companies section of the Job Type configuration, defined under Settings → Scheduling → Job Types.
  7. Start Address; which will filter technicians based on their start address, defined in Settings → Scheduling → Schedule Addresses.
  8. End Address; which will filter technicians based on their end address, defined in Settings → Scheduling → Schedule Addresses.

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