Considerations When Using Avalara with Voice Services

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

For the Avalara integration to work best with Sonar, it is recommended that clients who use Voice Services, whether with lines or with seats, include T/S pairs in both the Service and Generic Parameters. If you need any clarification, please contact your Avalara representative and/or tax accountant to choose the appropriate TS pairs.

Sonar clients will generally use the following T/S Pair for their Voice Service Generic Parameters:

Tax Type: Access Charge (ID 173) [T/S Pair 19/6]

As always, specific T/S Pairs may be required, and it is always best to contact Avalara directly for assistance setting up your Services.

For further information on Avalara T/S Pairs, please refer to the Avalara documentation, including:


In addition, it is important that customers use the appropriate Sonar service designation when distinguishing between data and voice services. For more information on this, please refer to Deploying Voice Services in Sonar regarding Voice Services.

Sonar can offer best business practices and recommendations solely concerning the integration setup within the Sonar instance.

Sonar does not hold qualifications as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), accounting specialist, or legal advisor. In case that you require assistance with accounting, taxation, legal matters, or similar inquiries, it is recommended that you engage professionals with expertise in those specific domains.

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