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Applying Task Templates to Jobs

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Read Time: 1 min

If you are not already familiar with tasks and task templates, please review the following articles, as preliminary setup will be required to use the information contained within this article:

Notes & Tasks: Best Practices & Use Cases
Task Templates Overview & Use Cases

Tasks on a Job

Task Templates exist to provide guidance and instruction to your field technicians when they're dispatched. Task Templates can be viewed on the technician's assigned job from within the Sonar instance, and each task can be marked as completed while the technician performs the necessary actions.

Adding task templates to Job Types

The first step in applying Task Templates to a dispatch is tying the Task Template to the Job Type:

Once you have the task template added to the job type, any assigned job of that type will be updated to include the tasks outlined on the created template.

Viewing tasks on the dispatch

Once the job is scheduled, you can view the list of tasks by clicking on the job name, or by expanding the job sidebar, then clicking on “Manage”. This course of action will take you to the detailed breakdown of that job, and any associated tasks:

From this page, you could add Notes for the technician, as well as view check-in activity, incomplete tasks, and completed tasks.

Completing Tasks on the Job

Once the filed technician is checked in, they can access the same job details page through the instance and access the list of tasks. Once each task is completed, they check the box next to the task, which will cross it off the list:

Reviewing completed tasks

Finally, once the technician arrives and gets to work on completing the assigned tasks, you can view all completed tasks and modify their completed state.

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