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Removing a Terminated Employee In Sonar

Read Time: 3 mins

The actual deletion of users within Sonar is not supported, as it goes against best practices to delete a user that has existed within the system. We provide the ability to disable a user instead. Disabling a user allows you to remove a user's access to the instance and also makes them unavailable from being selected as a user within the system. All of the user's history and details will remain in the system for future reference, if needed.

You cannot disable a user if that user has any open tickets or jobs assigned to them.

How To Disable A User

Navigate to the Users screen by clicking the "Settings" tab on the left panel, and then selecting either "Users" from the Settings Dashboard, or by selecting "Users" under the "Security" heading in the Settings list.

Once on the Users screen, find the user you wish to disable from the list and select "Edit" on the right-hand side. This will open the Edit Users window.

From within this window, uncheck the "Enabled" box - this will effectively disable the user. Click "Edit" at the bottom of the window to commit this update.

The user will also have a 'No' reflected now in the Enabled column on the Users screen.

When disabling an instance user, they will not be automatically removed from areas such as, but not limited to, ticket groups, schedule availabilities, alerting rotations, vehicle groups, etc. These removals will need to happen manually.

Removing An Employee

When removing an employee from the system, there are a few additional items to consider apart from just disabling the user. There will be occasions where a terminated employee has a few tickets and/or jobs that are open and currently assigned to them. Since it is not possible to disable a user that is assigned to open jobs and/or tickets, you will have to remove their assignment and potentially reassign another user in their place. However, this is something that could require additional time to determine and possibly some discussions with other employees in the company. In these instances, we recommend that you change the username of this user as well as the email address, so that you can leave the user as enabled within the system while still removing the employee's access. This way you are afforded with any additional time that is needed, but prevent the employee from being able to access the system since they will be unable to use the same credentials as before to login, and even if they were to use the "Forgot Password" functionality, to have their username and password emailed to them, the email will not be received.

To change a user's username and email address, navigate to the Users screen by clicking the "Settings" tab on the left panel, and then selecting either "Users" from the Settings Dashboard, or by selecting "Users" under the "Security" heading in the settings list.

Once on the Users screen, find the user you wish to disable from the list and select "Edit" on the right-hand side. This will open the Edit Users window.

From within this window, delete the the current value in the Username field and replace it with a name of your choosing. For the email address, you can either replace the text in the Email Address field entirely or just replace the domain part with something along the lines of "". Click "Edit" to save this change.

The user will still remain enabled, but without knowing the changed username and also not being able to recover their credentials with the 'forgot password' functionality, the terminated employee will be unable to access the system. Once the user has been removed from any open jobs and/or tickets, you can then return to the Users screen and disable the user.

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