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Network Dashboard: Overview

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Read Time: 5 mins

The Network Dashboard in Sonar is accessible from the main navigation panel and is split into the Dashboard and the Network Sites view.

The Dashboard View

The Dashboard View displays the status of your Inventory Devices, showing you devices that are in a Down or Warning state.

  1. The Dashboard/Network Site toggle allows you to switch between the Dashboard view (pictured above), the Network Sites view, and the FiberMap Plans
  2. With the Suppress Alerts button, you can halt all alerting rotation notifications from being sent out. Clicking this button will open a new window where you will specify the date and time you would like to suppress alerting until - this will effectively prevent everyone in the system from receiving any configured alerts until the specified date/time, at which point the notifications will resume. Typically, you would only use this button when you have some sort of global monitoring outage and want to suppress notifications as you are currently aware and working to resolve the issue.
  3. The Dashboard Summary provides an easy to view tally of devices in a Down or Warning state, how many of those devices are unclaimed, and the time in which the longest down or warning device has remained unclaimed.
  4. The Simple/Advanced toggle allows you to switch between the Simple filtering and the Advanced filtering. You can read more about that in our Filtering: Simple vs Advanced article.
  5. The Search bar allows you to search through the list of devices that are displayed, which match the existing filters.
  6. The Entity filter allows you to set the entity type for which you'd like to view devices, based on some existing entity types within your instance. It also allows you to type in a specific entity name if it's known (i.e., a Network Site name, or Inventory Location).
  7. The Device Status selector allows you to select from a list of device statuses, from Good, Warning, or Down.
  8. The Inventory Model selector allows you to search for a specific device model and display only the selected device type(s).
  9. The Claimed By selector allows you to view the devices that are claimed by a specific user, or multiple users.
  10. The Responsibility selector allows you to view only devices that have been assigned or claimed by you.
  11. The Export Results button allows you to export a list of all devices that appear based on the selected filters.
  12. The Status column represents the state of the device and will reflect whether the device is in a “Good”, a “Warning”, or a “Down” state. It will also display the cause of the status change, whether the cause of the “Warning” or the cause of the “Down” state.
  13. The Item column will provide the name/model of the device.
  14. The Assignee column shows which Inventory Location the device in the row is assigned to.
  15. The Claimed By column displays the name of the user who has claimed the device, whether in a trouble state or not
  16. The Claim button allows you to claim a device in order to assume responsibility for repairing or managing a device on the list. If a device is currently claimed, the user with the claim will see a new button, Unclaim.
  17. The arrow corresponding with each line item opens a sidebar that details additional information such as ICMP and SNMP results, along with access to further assignee information including the serviceable address and a comprehensive list of items on-site.

Network Sites List View

The Network Sites page presents a condensed view of the points in your network that permit customer connection. Each added network site is created by providing an address, a height in meters, and a unique name for the network site. Additionally, the Network Sites landing page provides a list of devices in a “Warning” or “Down” state without needing to open the site management page.

  1. The Overview column: This column lists the name of the Network Site. Clicking on the name will open the Network Site management page.
  2. The Item Statuses column: This column provides a quick look at devices on the Network Site which may be experiencing connectivity issues
  3. The Location column: This column lists the physical address of the Network Site
  4. Clicking the “Create Network Site” button will open the Network Site creation modal, requiring completion of descriptive fields, and address validation.
    1. The Name of the Network Site, displayed in reports and in the Overview column
    2. The Height, in Feet, of your Network Site's maximum height above ground elevation. This is used as the default value when showing elevation profiles from potential serviceable addresses to the Network Site.
    3. The physical address of the network site. These fields are used to calculate a precise street address, which can then be used to generate a set of Latitude and Longitude coordinates.
    4. In lieu of a physical address, Latitude and Longitude coordinates can be entered directly, which allows you to place the network site exactly where it should be on the map.
      Latitude and Longitude are used as the determining factor for a location as they provide the most accuracy when calculating for a line of sight to serviceable addresses
    5. The “Lookup Address From Pin” and “Reset Lat/Lng To Address” options are available to use once a pin has been dropped and then dragged to a different location on the map. Selecting “Lookup Address From Pin” will provide you with the street address to where the pin is located. Next, “Reset Lat/Lng to Address” will to generate coordinates based on the newly entered street address.
    6. Your Custom Fields for Network Sites appear here, in a list below the map.
  5. The Edit button allows you to:
    1. Edit the physical location or Latitude/Longitude of the Network Site by clicking on the Edit button.
    2. Add an IP assignment by clicking on the drop-down next to “Edit”.
    3. Move IP Assignment by clicking on the drop-down next to “Edit”.
    4. Delete the Network Site by clicking on the drop-down next to “Edit”.
  6. The Network Site sidebar - opened by clicking on the arrow corresponding with the name of the Network Site under the overview column - displays more detailed information on the Network site, such as its Height (in feet), its serviceable address, any items connected to this Network Site, and their connection health, and the activity log for this site. Clicking on “Manage” from this sidebar will take you to the Network Site management page.
To learn more about Network Sites and how to manage them, you can check out the Network Sites Overview article.

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