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Trigger Explanations

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Below are all of the event triggers that are available from within the Trigger menu when creating a triggered message, along with an explanation of when the message is triggered to be sent.

A contact's password is changed

When It Triggers: When a contact's password is changed, whether in the Sonar instance or through the Customer Portal.

A contract pending signature is emailed to a contact

When It Triggers: Anytime a contract is sent to a customer, either manually or as a function of a job completion.

A credit card is expiring

When It Triggers: When the expiry date on a credit card that is set to autopay is within X number of months of the current date. The X number of months is defined when you set up the trigger.

A credit card or bank account payment is refunded

When It Triggers: When you click the "Refund" button from the Refund Payment window.

A job is scheduled

When It Triggers: When a job matching the type selected is scheduled for a specific time and user in the Jobs interface. This will also send when the job has already been scheduled, but the time has been changed.

A late fee is applied to an account

When It Triggers: When a late fee is automatically debited on an account, as per the settings defined in Settings > Billing > Billing Settings.

A new user is created

When It Triggers: Either when a new user is created from the Users screen, or when the "Resend user creation email" function is utilized from that screen.

A receipt for a payment

When it Triggers: When a payment is made by a customer, and a receipt is requested or selected to be sent through the payment creation modal.

A signed contract is emailed to a contact

When It Triggers: When the contract is manually sent to the contact.

A user forgets their password and requests a new one

When It Triggers: When a user utilizes the forgot password option for their account, and opts to have the password reset link emailed to them.

An account address is changed

When It Triggers: Triggers when an account's physical or mailing address is changed, whether through the Sonar instance or through the Customer Portal.

An account becomes delinquent

When It Triggers: This notification triggers when an invoice on an account becomes delinquent as a result of nonpayment. This will also trigger when the delinquency override date expires.

An account hits X% of their bandwidth cap

When It Triggers: When an account hits a predefined percentage of the usage based billing policy attached to their service. This percentage is defined when you set up the trigger.

An account is activated for the first time

When It Triggers: When an account moves into an Active status for the first time.

A payment failed

When It Triggers: When an account's associated payment method is set to autopay and the payment is not successful.

A payment succeeded

When It Triggers: When an account's associated payment method is set to autopay and the payment is successful.

An initial invoice is generated for a newly activated account

When It Triggers: When an account that has just been moved into an Active status for the first time has it's first invoice created.

An invoice has been delinquent for X days

When It Triggers: When an invoice on an account has reached delinquency and stayed in that state of delinquency for X amount of days. The number of days is defined when you set up the trigger.

An invoice is due in X days

When It Triggers: When an account has an invoice that is X amount of days away from being due. The amount of days is defined when you set up the trigger.

An invoice is manually emailed to a contact

When It Triggers: Upon clicking "Create", when using the "Email Invoice" functionality from the Invoice section of the Billing tab within an account.

An invoice is past due for X days

When It Triggers: When an invoice is left unpaid past the due date for X amount of days. The amount of days is defined when setting up the trigger.

An invoice will become delinquent in X days

When It Triggers: When an account's unpaid invoice is X days away from becoming delinquent. The amount of days is defined when setting up the trigger.

Billing runs successfully for an account

When It Triggers: When the automated process of billing takes place on an account. This happens shortly after midnight on the billing day parameters.

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Setting up an Outbound Email Domain

Triggered Messages: Setup
