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Rebranding your Sonar Instance

Kristen Fiddes Updated by Kristen Fiddes

Read Time: 2 mins

It is recommended that whoever takes on this task is a Super Admin of their instance.

Rebranding your Sonar instance allows you to update your Business Name, registration information, billing information, contact information and overall appearance without modifying any Company-dependent settings. This means a relatively seamless switch for the representatives within your organization, and for your customers.

Updating an Existing Company

If you update your company and modify the Business Name and Tax Identification Number at the same time, your Payment Processing will be impacted. Re-tokenization with sonarPay will be required, so reach out to Sonar before making this change to ensure you're familiar with all requirements.

The primary changes needed are located within Settings > Companies. Once this page is populated, identify the existing company you intend to change, then click on Edit.

In the populated modal, there are a number of fields that can be altered including Name, Website Address, Phone Number, and Address, which dictate the information displayed on your invoice.

The final section you can update within Companies is your logo image. Similar to the fields mentioned above, the logo is displayed on all invoices, and so it is equally important that this matches the new information. To complete this change, click the downward facing arrow alongside Edit and select Update Logo.

The modal that populates allows you to upload a new logo and automatically override the existing logo. Once saved, any new invoices issued will reflect the newly updated logo.

Although the system should accept any image under 2MB, the invoices where this logo will upload are optimized for an image that is 230 x 100 pixels.

Updating your Email Domain

When rebranding a company, there is a chance that the email domain will change to reflect the new name. This process is covered in our Setting up an Outbound Email Domain article.

Inbound Mailbox Settings

Similarly, incoming mail utilizing any new domains will need to be addressed, as detailed in our Inbound Mailboxes Example Build article.

Customer Portal

The changes we've touched on so far do not include any adjustments to the customer portal. The section titled Managing Settings & Using the Settings Key of our Adding a Customer Portal to your Sonar Instance covers how the portal settings can be accessed, and from here you can upload new branding and make any necessary adjustments to the company name (if applicable).

Adding a New Company

If you are intending to add a new company to your instance, it is highly recommended you reach out to your Client Experience Manager ahead of making any changes so they can assist with reflecting these changes on any contracts and services you have, as well as performing a mass update to existing accounts, etc.

The process to add a new company is detailed in our How to: Setting up a Company in Sonar article.

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Managing Multiple Companies in Sonar: Best Practices
