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Delinquency Exclusions: Overview and Use Cases

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Read Time: 4 mins

Delinquency Exclusions in Sonar are a way of ensuring your billing system doesn't switch customers to a delinquent state on specific days. In most cases, Delinquency Exclusions are used to prevent delinquency from triggering on holidays, as typically, there would be no or reduced staff on those days. By combining the Delinquency Exclusions with "Days to check Delinquency" in the Billing Settings of your instance, we allow you to maintain control over exactly when delinquency occurs.

In our Delinquency Billing Best Practices, we briefly discussed Delinquency Exclusions as a portion of the delinquency process. In this article, we'll go over how Delinquency Exclusions get created, as well as how they tie into the delinquency billing process.

Getting to Delinquency Exclusions

You can access the Delinquency Exclusions page by following the below steps:

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Expand Billing
  3. Click on Delinquency Exclusions

In this screenshot, we have 3 events that are already being excluded from the delinquency checking. In the next section, we'll cover the various fields on this page, and the section after that will explore the process for creating a new exclusion.

Columns Overview

  1. The Simple/Advanced filters toggle. For more information on this toggle, read the Filtering: Simple vs Advanced article.
  2. The Export X Results button allows you to export the listed or filtered exclusions to JSON or CSV formatted documents.
  3. The Search bar allows you to dynamically enter the name of Delinquency Exclusions and see only the results matching the entered term.
  4. The ID column will list all Delinquency Exclusion IDs.
  5. The Name column displays the given name of the Delinquency Exclusion.
  6. The Day column shows the day that has been selected for the exclusion.
  7. The Month column displays the entered month for this exclusion.
  8. The Year column will display the entered year. If no year was selected when creating the Delinquency Exclusion, this column will be empty.
  9. The final column allows you to Edit or Delete the exclusion, while clicking on the arrow next to Edit will open up the details panel
  10. The Details Panel displays the same timing information as the list; however, it also provides the historical logs for the exclusion.

Creating a New Delinquency Exclusion

In order to create a new Delinquency Exclusion, you need to click on the "Create Delinquency Exclusions" button in the top-right corner of the page.

Once done, we have the creation dialogue:

In this example, we're adding in a new holiday to our delinquency exclusions:

  1. The Name is the first thing you need to fill out to create a new exclusion. In this case, we're creating a new Delinquency Exclusion for a Holiday, specifically Festivus. As such, our exclusion name will be “Holiday - Festivus”.
    In our example, we use a [Type of event to exclude] - [Name of the event] naming scheme, but you can use whatever naming system you'd like in your instance.
  2. Next, we set the Day that delinquency checking should ignore. As this is a day of the month, valid options are between 1 and 31.
    The Delinquency Exclusion system won't let you add an invalid day and month combination, such as November 31st.
  3. The Month needs to be set as well, which is a numeric representation of the month within the year. Valid options for this field are between 1 and 12.
  4. The Year field lets you control a specific year this exclusion should exist for. This is primarily used for holidays and events that change days year over year, such as Thanksgiving in the United States of America.
    The year field isn't mandatory, and leaving it empty will result in the exclusion being on the same day every year.

Once you have your desired fields filled out, you can click on create. This will add the exclusion to the table we looked at earlier, and begin excluding the event from delinquency checking.

Delinquency Exclusions may mean that the rules for Grace Days and Days of Delinquency for Status Switch do not apply as configured. For example, if Delinquency Exclusions were added for the holiday season (from December 24th through to December 26th), and an invoice delinquency date fell on December 24th, then the delinquency will instead be pushed to December 27th. This then changes the date of when a delinquent account would switch to a different account status, as this is calculated from when an invoice is first flagged delinquent.

How did we do?

Delinquency Billing Best Practices

Email Invoice Batch: Overview
