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How to Integrate Inbound Mailboxes with Slack

Read Time: 2 mins

If your company uses Slack (the instant messaging platform), you can create a webhook to have the creation of tickets or ticket replies trigger the posting of a message to a specific Slack channel. This feature can help your company stay on top of communication and ensure the appropriate people are informed of customer activity on tickets.

For example, if you had an inbound mailbox specifically for support-related tickets, you could create a support channel in Slack, and have all new ticket submissions be sent to the channel; that way, any support staff who are a member of the channel will automatically receive a notification of any new tickets, even when not monitoring the inbound mailbox within Sonar.

Creating the Slack Webhook

The steps below assume you have already setup and configured your inbound mailbox. If you have not yet completed this step, please first start with the instructions outlined in the Inbound Mailboxes Example Build document here.

To create the Slack webhook that you will integrate with the Sonar inbound mailbox:

  1. Navigate to the Slack Incoming Webhook page here.
  2. From the "Choose a channel..." dropdown, select the Slack channel you want the notifications to be sent to. If you need to create a new channel to receive these notifications, use the "create a new channel" option.
  3. Once you have your channel selected, click the "Add Incoming WebHooks integration" button.
  4. You will be directed to the next page, where you will see your generated Webhook URL, as well as additional setup instructions and customization options. From this page you can tweak how you want the notification to appear, add attachments to the messages, customize the name and icon used, and much more.
    Once you have finished customizing, scroll to the Integration Settings section and use the "Copy URL" option to copy the webhook URL.
  5. Once you have the webhook URL copied, click "Save Settings" at the bottom of the Integration Settings section.
  6. With your URL copied, jump into your Sonar instance and navigate to Settings > Ticketing > Inbound Mailboxes.
  7. Locate the inbound mailbox you wish to set up the webhook for, and click "Edit"
  8. From the Edit Inbound Mailbox window, check off the "Enable Slack integration" box
  9. Once checked off, there will be a field to enter your webhook URL that was generated in step #4 - paste your URL into the Slack webhook url field.
    Optionally, you can also opt to have the entire body of the email posted as well. If this option is enabled, the contents of the email will also be displayed in the Slack channel once a notification is received.
  10. Click "Save".

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Exploring Ticket Groups

Inbound Mailboxes Example Build
