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New Client Training Overview

Madeline Adamson Updated by Madeline Adamson

Read Time: 2 mins

Sonar's live training schedule can be found in the Training Catalog here. Please refer to this schedule for the updated dates and times that the trainings are being held.

Sonar's Live Training Schedule

The live trainings are held on a monthly schedule — the dates and times will be updated and reflected on the Training Catalog (linked above). Below is a description of the trainings that are currently available, along with an on-demand recording of a previously recorded training session.

Training Topic


Training Video

Sonar Account Management Basics

This training is designed for Customer Service Representatives or any team member who needs to understand how to manage accounts in Sonar. After this training, participants will feel comfortable doing basic account management tasks, such as:

  • Searching for Customer Accounts
  • Creating New Customer Accounts
  • Managing Account Contacts
  • Managing Account Services
  • Deactivating Accounts

Sonar Billing Basics

This training is designed for Billing Administrators or any team member who needs to understand how to use Sonar’s billing tools or manage transactions and invoices for customer accounts in Sonar. After this training, participants will feel comfortable completing basic billing actions, such as:

  • Creating One-Time Transactions and Prorated Charges
  • Creating and Sending Invoices
  • Customizing Account Billing Parameters
  • Creating Printed Invoice Batches
  • Creating ACH Batches

Sonar Customer Communication Basics

This training is designed for Customer Service Representatives or any team member who needs to understand how to communicate with customers using Sonar. After this training, participants will feel comfortable completing basic communication actions, such as:

  • Creating Call Logs
  • Creating Internal and External Tickets
  • Managing Ticket Queues  
  • Sending Mass Emails
  • Updating Account Contact Communication Preferences

Sonar Scheduling Basics

This training is designed for Field Technicians, Dispatchers, or any team member who needs to understand how to use the scheduling module in Sonar. After this training, participants will feel comfortable completing basic communication actions, such as:

  • Creating New Jobs
  • Managing Different Scheduling Interfaces
  • Scheduling Jobs in Multiple Time Zones
  • Checking Into and Completing Jobs
  • Managing Task Templates on Jobs

V1 to V2 Product Improvements

If you are currently in the onboarding process, or you have completed your onboarding anytime after 2022, you have Sonar V2.

If you are unsure if you have V1 or V2, contact your CRM for confirmation, but unless you have been told otherwise, you should be on V2 and have no need to register for this training.

This training is designed for any client who is planning on or has recently upgraded from V1 to V2. After this training, participants will be familiar with the product improvements in V2, such as:

  • The New Suite of Stock Reports Available in V2
  • The Concept of Serviceable Addresses in V2
  • Advanced Filtering Options in V2
  • An Overview of the Enhancements to the Scheduling Module in V2
  • An Overview of Any Brand New Modules and Functionality in V2

Have a Training Request?

Is there a training topic you'd like to see covered, but that isn't currently offered? If so, please feel free to send suggestions to, we'd love to hear your feedback!


Use this link to complete a survey to provide us with your feedback on the above training material.

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