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Saved Messages: Overview

Jennifer Trower Updated by Jennifer Trower

Read Time: 3 mins

Saved Messages can be utilized to improve the efficiency of sending out mass messages. Rather than having to create the whole body of the message each time you intend to send mass correspondence out, you can create saved messages to act as a template. This way, you only need to update the custom information relevant to the messaging intended for that run.

For example, you could create a saved message titled “Network Outage”, and fill in the body with the portion of messaging that would remain the same. Then, when it comes time to utilize this outage email, you only have to update the date or time, the areas affected, and select the filters to pinpoint the affected users.

For information on setting up mass messages, refer to the Communication Tools: Overview document.

To access this feature, navigate to Communication ToolsConfigureSaved Messages.

Clicking on Saved Messages will open a new modal that shows two tabs:

  1. One tab for your Email Messages, which displays a list of existing created messages in your instance, along with details such as the name of the message, the language it's in, and the category:
  2. The other is for the SMS Messages that come preloaded in your instance, available when the Outbound SMS feature is enabled. Saved SMS Messages cannot be modified or created, this list is all that is available for use, and corresponds to available triggers:

Creating Saved Messages

From this modal, you can also make adjustments to a Saved Message, clone it, or delete it. Selecting to clone a Saved Message will prompt a new creation modal with all the fields pre-filled to match that of the existing Saved Message you are cloning, including both languages (if applicable). From here, you can make any changes to the cloned message and save it as a new one.

If a new saved message is required, click on "Create Saved Message" to populate the creation modal.

  1. Name: This field is used to create an easily identifiable name for the message and is required.
  2. Category: This dropdown allows you to nest the message under a Saved Message Category.
  3. From Name: This section determines the sender name that the message will appear from. This is also a required field.
  4. From Email Address: This field determines the sender email address, and it is also a required field.
    The "From Email Address" field can only use a domain name that has already been verified within Sonar. For more information on setting up an outbound email domain, refer to our knowledge base article found here.
  5. This section allows you to select which language the message is available in. Currently, the two available options are English and French only.
    Language Considerations
    If you are taking advantage of the "Language" dropdown per account contact, you must ensure that the body for both languages has content included.
  6. Inbox Preview: This field is not required, but allows you to set an inbox preview for the message – this can be used to provide a sneak peek to the recipient of what the email is regarding before they actually open the email.
  7. Subject: This is where you can define the subject of the message that gets sent out. It is a required field.
  8. Body: The body is where you can define the message's content.
  9. File: Here you can attach a specific file that you wish to be sent out with the message.
There is currently an issue with the formatting of variables not being preserved when copying/pasting variables into the text editor, causing them to not trigger properly. Expand the section below for detailed steps on the workaround available.
Temporary Workaround for Preserving Variables When Pasting into the Editor
Until the abovementioned issue is resolved, steps are provided below to preserve variable formatting when pasting content into the text editor; the workaround involves using the { } button shown here:

Temporary Workaround:
1. Click the { } button within the text editor

2. Paste the content that contains variables

3. Click the { } button again

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Setting up an Outbound Email Domain
