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Email Variables & Conditions

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Below are all of the available variables that can be used to display data within various areas of Sonar, or that can be used as part of a conditional statement. It is important to note that the variables that will be available to you will depend on where in Sonar you are accessing them from. For example, the variables available when creating a contract template will differ from the ones available when creating an email message for a particular trigger.

The Variables menu (highlighted below) will not be visible from within the Create Email Message Content window until the "Email Triggers" field has been filled out. Once an email trigger has been defined, the menu will appear and contain any variables available for use in the email body.
There is currently an issue with the formatting of variables not being preserved when copying/pasting variables into the text editor, causing them to not trigger properly. Expand the section below for detailed steps on the workaround available.
Temporary Workaround for Preserving Variables When Pasting into the Editor
Until the abovementioned issue is resolved, steps are provided below to preserve variable formatting when pasting content into the text editor; the workaround involves using the { } button shown here:

Temporary Workaround:
1. Click the { } button within the text editor

2. Paste the content that contains variables

3. Click the { } button again



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Account address

Contract Templates


 Account name

Canned Replies, Contract Templates, Email Messages


 Account number

Canned Replies, Contract Templates, Email Messages, Mass Email



Email Messages


Amount due

Canned Replies, Email Messages, Mass Email


Amount due on invoice

Email Messages


Unformatted total amount due on this invoice

Email Messages


Unformatted amount due

Email Messages


 Autopay date

Email Messages


CONDITION: Whether autopay is enabled or not

Email Messages, Mass Email


CONDITION: Whether or not autopay runs the entire amount due

Email Messages



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


Inventory items that are in a "Down" or "Warning" state

Email Messages


"CONTACT_XXX" variables are referring to a contact attached to an account within your Sonar instance (i.e. a customer).


What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Company name

Email Messages, Mass Email


 Contact email address

Email Messages


 Contact name

Contract Templates, Email Messages, Mass Email


 Contact role

Email Messages


URL to sign contract

Email Messages


Custom message (i.e. contracts, invoices)

Email Messages


 Customer portal URL

Email Messages


CONDITION: If the customer portal is enabled in the instance

Email Messages



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible



Contract Templates



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


Expiring service list

Contract Templates


Expiring service list with prices

Contract Templates



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


Inventory items that are flapping

Email Messages


 First name

Contract Templates, Mass Email



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


Inventory items that are healthy (in a "Good" state)

Email Messages



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Instance URL

Email Messages


 Invoice due date

Email Messages


 Invoice number

Email Messages



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Job scheduled date and time

Email Messages


 Job type

Email Messages



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Last 4 digits of payment method

Email Messages


 Late fee amount

Email Messages


 Unformatted late fee amount

Email Messages


 Last name

Contract Templates, Mass Email



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Next bill date

Email Messages



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Password creation token

Email Messages


 Password reset token

Email Messages


 Physical address

Canned Replies



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Recurring service list

Contract Templates


 Recurring service list with prices

Contract Templates



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


Inventory items that are still flapping

Email Messages



What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Total amount due prior to and including this invoice

Email Messages


 Unformatted total amount due prior to and including this invoice

Email Messages


"USER_XXX" variables are referring to a Sonar instance user, who would be located under Settings > Security > Users within your instance (i.e. an employee).


What It Displays

Where It's Accessible


 Usage cap in gigabytes

Canned Replies


 Usage in gigabytes

Canned Replies


 User email address

Email Messages


 User is a super admin

Email Messages


 User language

Email Messages


 User mobile phone number

Email Messages


 User real name

Email Messages


 User role ID

Email Messages


 User username

Email Messages

How did we do?

Communication Tools: Overview

Message Categories: Overview & Use Cases
