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Ticket Categories Best Practices & Example Build

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Read Time: 1 min

What are Ticket Categories

Much like Canned Reply categories, Ticket Categories provide a broad organization method for your various tickets. Ticket Categories allow structured naming schema to be applied to various tickets.

How are Ticket Categories Used?

Ticket Categories can be applied to any number of tickets, and serve as a method to both identify similar tickets in addition to setting visible indicators for next steps.

Ticket Category Creation

  1. Navigate to Settings → Ticketing → Ticket Categories, then click on Create Ticket Category
  2. Provide a name for your Ticket Category, click on Enabled, and click on Create. In this example, we'll be creating an Escalation Category.
  3. Ticket Categories can be added to new or existing tickets. The modal will contain a section at the bottom, when you can add one or multiple ticket categories.
    You can edit a ticket by:
    1. Editing the ticket from the Ticketing List View
    2. Editing the ticket within the Ticket Management View

Common Ticket Categories

Some common Ticket Categories to consider are:

  1. Escalations — using a ticket category for these types of tickets allows you to preserve the originating group, while allowing team leads and supervisors to easily sort the tickets.
  2. Pending Bug Fix — Using this category allows you to organize all issue caused by a system or software bug for future resolution, while maintaining the original group.
  3. Pending Network Upgrade — This category would allow you to set tickets, which require a network upgrade to resolve, into a distinct category for future resolution.

How did we do?

Inbound Mailboxes Example Build

Ticketing: Overview
