Table of Contents
The Sonar Field Tech App
Read Time: 34 mins
The Sonar Field Tech app was designed for the purpose of streamlining workflow and eliminating obstacles commonly encountered by techs in the field, by providing a modern and flexible interface with everything you need to ensure customer satisfaction. With the Sonar Field Tech app, you can:
- Get fingertip access to inventory and simplify equipment assignment
- Make inventory adjustments on the fly with the in-app barcode scanner
- Access critical information and tools, whether online or offline
- View a complete overview of your jobs scheduled for the day
- Use the GPS route guidance to arrive on time and avoid delays
- Say goodbye to unnecessary paperwork and duplicate data entry
- And much more!
In this article we will take you through where the app can be accessed, how to set it up with your Sonar instance, and provide an overview of the different screens and features available to you.
An exception to this, however, is if the device is rooted (where you have super user permissions); in this scenario, the data could be viewed by the device user outside of the Sonar field tech app, but it would require that the user had rooted their phone before the Sonar field tech app was installed on their device.
Where to Get the App
The Field Tech app is currently available for both Apple and Android devices and can be downloaded from their respective app stores, or through the QR codes listed below.
Apple Device
Click here to navigate to the Apple App Store, or scan the QR code below with your Apple device.

Android Device
Click here to navigate to the Android App Play Store, or scan the QR code below with your Android device.

How to Set Up With Your Sonar Instance
Before technicians can begin using the Field Tech app, there are some administrative setup requirements that must be handled first; this includes creating a field tech instance user with the appropriate permissions, and ensuring jobs and schedules are configured and ready to use within your instance.
Jobs & Schedules
If you do not already have jobs and schedules configured in your instance, please start with this first. The "Resources for Jobs & Schedules" section can be expanded below to help guide you through any remaining configuration.
Resources for Jobs and Schedules
Field Tech User
In order for a technician to log into the Field Tech app, they will need a corresponding user with the necessary permissions to be created for them within your Sonar instance. Steps on how to create an instance user and apply a user role, as well as minimum permission requirements, are outlined below.
Creating a Field Technician Role
A role for the field technician app can be created either through the GUI within the Sonar instance or by using GraphiQL. Regardless of the method used to create the role, there are certain permissions that the field tech role must have in order to log in and access the mobile app. Expand each section below for steps to create a new role and the minimum permissions required for the role.
Permissions and Role Creation Steps Using GUI
1. Navigate to Settings > Security > Roles
2. Click "Create Role"
3. Give the role a name and toggle the permissions you want the role to have (see the Minimum Required Permissions below)
4. Once you have specified the permissions, click "Create" at the bottom of the screen
Minimum Required Permissions:
Note: the following permissions are enabled in the image below, however, they are optional but recommended:
- [Account] Whether a user can reverse transactions
- [Account] Delete an account transaction
- [Vehicle] Update the drivers of a vehicle

Permissions and Role Creation Steps Using GraphiQL
mutation ($fieldTech: CreateRoleMutationInput) {
createRole(input: $fieldTech) {
"fieldTech": {
"name": "Field Technician",
"applied_permissions": [
***Note: the follow permissions are optional but recommended: (REVERSE_ACCOUNT_TRANSACTIONS, DELETE_ACCOUNT_TRANSACTIONS, and UPDATE_DRIVERS)***
Creating a New User & Applying the Role
To create a new user within your Sonar instance:
- Navigate to Settings > Security > Users
- Click "Create User" at the top of the screen
- Fill out the required fields within the Create User window. You must also ensure that the Enabled box is checked and that you also select the newly created field tech role from the Role drop down
- Click "Create"
How to Use the App
Below you will find a summary of the different screens within the mobile app, along with an overview of the features contained on the screen.
The jobs screen contains all scheduled jobs that you have been assigned to and is available in either a list or map format.
List View
With the list view, the jobs are listed in chronological order with certain details visible for each job.

- Job Order: each job in the list has a corresponding number next to it, representing the order the technician will complete them in; the order is based off of the date/time that the job was scheduled for.
- Job Type: the job type of the scheduled job, based on the job types you have configured within your Sonar instance.
- Serviceable Address: the associated serviceable address where the job is scheduled to occur.
- Primary Account Contact: the primary contact of the account that the job is scheduled for.If the entity the job is scheduled for has no contacts (such as a network site), "No Contacts" will be displayed here instead.
- Start Time: the time that the job is scheduled to start at.
- Completion Time: the estimated time the job will take to complete.The amount of time displayed here will either be reflective of the Default Length In Minutes (determined when creating the job type), or the Custom Length (minutes) (which can be used to overwrite the 'default length in minutes' value, when creating/editing/scheduling the specific job).
- Tasks: the number of tasks associated with the job.
- Data Service: if the associated account has a data service applied to it, the name of the data service will be displayed here.
- Job Details: tapping anywhere within the job tile will navigate you into the Job Details screen; this is where all of the details for the job can be found, including any associated notes, tasks, or files, and also provides the ability to check-in and start the job. See the "Job Details" section below for further information.
- Driving Distance: the physical distance between consecutive jobs, based on the associated serviceable addresses for each job.
- Today: tapping on "Today" will restrict the job list to only show jobs scheduled for the current day.
- Later: tapping on "Later" will make the list display jobs scheduled for the current day and also jobs scheduled for future dates.
- Date: tapping on the displayed date will open a calendar that allows you to select a different date to jump to; using the arrows on either side will navigate you to the jobs list view for the specified date, where you can view that day's currently scheduled jobs.
- Map: the map button will switch you to the map view of the jobs screen, where the scheduled jobs are displayed on a map, instead of a list. See the "Map View" section below for further information.
Map View
With the map view, the jobs appear as pins on the map, based on their associated serviceable address.

- Your Location: tapping on the button here displays your current physical location on the map.
- Job Location: every scheduled job appears as a pin on the map, based on the associated serviceable address; lines will automatically be drawn between each job destination, representing the order they will be completed in, based on the jobs' start times. Tapping on a job pin will display a details box with a few key details for the job.
- Job Details: tapping on a job pin opens a details box where you can view the job order number, job type, and start time. Tapping anywhere within this details box will navigate you into the Job Details screen; this is where all of the details for the job can be found, including any associated notes, tasks, or files, and also provides the ability to check-in and start the job. See the "Job Details" section below for further information.
- Zoom In/Out: the "+" and "-" buttons can be used to zoom in and out of the map.
- Today: tapping on "Today" will restrict the map to only show jobs scheduled for the current day.
- Later: tapping on "Later" will make the map display jobs scheduled for the current day and also jobs scheduled for future dates.
- Date: tapping on the displayed date will open a calendar that allows you to select a different date to jump to; using the arrows on either side will navigate you to the jobs map view for the specified date, where you can view that day's currently scheduled jobs.
- List: the list button will switch you to the list view of the jobs screen, where the scheduled jobs are displayed as a list, instead of on a map. See the "List View" section above for further information.
Job Details
This screen provides key information for the technician, such as details of the job and the entity the job is for, while also providing options to navigate to the job site as well as check-in and start it.

- Job Type: the job type of the scheduled job, based on the job types you have configured within your Sonar instance.
- Time & Duration: the date the job is scheduled for, the time that the job is expected to be completed, and the estimated job duration.The time that the job is expected to be completed by is based off of the estimated job duration. The job duration will either be reflective of the Default Length In Minutes (determined when creating the job type), or the Custom Length (minutes) (which can be used to overwrite the 'default length in minutes' value, when creating/editing/scheduling the specific job).
- Primary Address: the serviceable address that the job is scheduled to take place at.
- Navigate: tapping here will open this location via Google maps, providing the option to obtain directions and begin navigation to the job destination.
- Check-in: tapping on the "Check-in" button can be used to start the job once the technician arrives and is ready to begin.
- Once checked in, the job status will update to "In Progress", a visible timer will be started, and the following additional options will become available to the technician from this page:
- Check Out: using this button will check the technician out of the job, pausing the work timer. This will update the job status to "Checked Out" and the option to Check In will reappear.
- Complete Job: using this button will prompt the tech to enter in any relevant job notes and mark the job as successfully completed.
- Fail: if the tech is unable to complete the job successfully, they can use the "Fail" button which will prompt the tech to enter in any relevant job notes regarding the failure, and mark the job as failed.
Check-In with Multiple Techs
In the event multiple technicians are assigned to the same job, they are able to check-in/out without forcing the same status to other users. If one technician has began work, the button "Check-In and start job" will be replaced with a status of "Not Checked In" and a button below that to "Check In".
As you can see above, a list reflects the status of the other technicians assigned to the job.
When the job is marked as completed or failed by one user, the other technicians will automatically be checked out of the job.
- Once checked in, the job status will update to "In Progress", a visible timer will be started, and the following additional options will become available to the technician from this page:
- Custom Fields: any custom fields with filled-out details on the job will be shown here for quick reference.
- Entity: the name of the entity that the job is scheduled, being either an account or a network site.
- Entity Details: this button will reflect "Account" or "Network Site", depending on the entity the job was scheduled for; tapping here will take you into a details page for the entity where all of their information is contained and many additional actions are available.
- Primary Contact: this section contains the details of the entity's associated primary contact, such as the name, email address, phone number, and phone number type.The email address and phone number fields have touch-to-use functionality; tapping on the email address will allow you to send an email to the contact while tapping on the phone number will allow you to call the contact.
- Job Services: all services that are associated with the job type and will be added to the account upon successful job completion.
- Notes: job notes can be viewed, modified, and created in this section. The number next to the downward arrow will display the total number of notes on the job, and tapping the arrow will expand the list so the notes are viewable; from here you can edit or delete existing notes, and view further details for it (such as when it was created and by which user). A new note can be created for the job by using the "+" button.
- Files: relevant job files can be viewed and uploaded here; the number next to the downward arrow will display the total number of files associated with the job, and tapping the arrow will expand the list so the files are viewable; from here you can edit, remove, or download existing files. Additional files can be uploaded using the cloud/arrow button.
- Ticket: If the job is associated with a ticket, then the name of the ticket, ticket status, ticket priority, and the ticket ID will be displayed here. Tapping on the ticket will navigate you into the Ticket Details page, where additional information for the ticket can be viewed.
- Job: tapping here will navigate you into the main Jobs screen. See the "Jobs" section above for more information.
- Tasks: the total number of incomplete tasks for the job will be displayed here; tapping this button will navigate you into a screen where you can view all of the job tasks and mark them as complete once they have been taken care of.
- Contacts: tapping this button allows you to view the entity's associated contacts; from here you can view which contact is the primary, if multiple contacts are present, as well as the email address and phone number for each contact.The email address and phone number fields have touch-to-use functionality; tapping on the email address will allow you to send an email to the contact while tapping on the phone number will allow you to call the contact.
The Inventory screen will display all inventory in the instance that is currently not assigned to a serviceable address. This includes inventory assigned to the specific technician, Inventory Locations, Generic Assignees, Vehicles, and other Users.

- Search: this section allows you to enter any combination of device ID, MAC Address, Serial Number, Location name, or Device Model. It also supports partial matching and multiple search categories simultaneously. For example, searching "5" will list items with matching IDs, MACs, SNs, or location names.
- Scan: this allows you to use your mobile device's camera to scan device barcodes or QR codes in order to locate the item within the Inventory screen.
- View switching: this section allows you to switch the inventory view between a list organized by location of the item(s) to one organized by the inventory model of the item(s).
- By Location: this view, pictured below, lists out every inventory location, except serviceable addresses, that can have inventory assigned. These locations will be listed even if no items are currently assigned:
- By Model: this view, pictured below, lists all available inventory in your instance. Models will be displayed even if there is no available inventory belonging to that model:
- By Location: this view, pictured below, lists out every inventory location, except serviceable addresses, that can have inventory assigned. These locations will be listed even if no items are currently assigned:
- The Inventory List will allow you to explore available inventory items and view their details. Each listing allows you to drill down to view more information, eventually reaching the inventory item details screen:
User Details
This is where you can view the details relevant to your individual user, including inventory items, jobs, and vehicles.

- Full Name: the full name of the user.
- Username: the username that is used to log in to the Sonar instance and mobile app.
- Email Address: the email address of the user.The email address field has touch-to-use functionality; tapping on it allows you to email the contact.
- Phone Number: the phone number of the user.The phone number field has touch-to-use functionality; tapping on the phone number allows you to call the contact.
- Inventory Items: this area represents inventory items that are assigned to the individual tech; tapping on this section will expand the inventory items list, where further details for each inventory item can be viewed.
- Add Inventory Items: this populates a new modal that allows you to assign inventory, either by manually typing information such as the MAC Address or serial number, or by using the Scan feature.
- Number of Items: the total number of inventory items assigned to the technician.
- When the list is expanded, you can see details such as the inventory item ID and name, the number of IPs assigned to it, the MAC address, the primary unique identifier (i.e., serial number), and the inventory category it falls under. Tapping on any item in the list will navigate you into the item details view for that specific piece of inventory.
- Generic Inventory Items: this area represents generic inventory items that are assigned to the individual tech; tapping on this section will expand the inventory items list, where further details for each inventory item can be viewed.
- Add Generic Inventory Items: this populates a new modal that allows you to assign inventory, either by manually typing the identifying name of the item, or by using the Scan feature.
- Number of Items: the total number of generic inventory items assigned to the technician.
- Jobs: this area contains information for jobs that the technician has been assigned to; tapping on this section will expand the jobs list, where further details for each job can be viewed.
- Number of Jobs: the total number of jobs the technician has been assigned and scheduled for the current day.
- When the jobs list is expanded, a summary of details will be visible for each job - this includes the job ID, job type, entity the job is for, the scheduled date and time, and the job status. Tapping on a job in the list will navigate you into the job details view for that job.
- When the jobs list is expanded, a summary of details will be visible for each job - this includes the job ID, job type, entity the job is for, the scheduled date and time, and the job status. Tapping on a job in the list will navigate you into the job details view for that job.
- Vehicles: this area contains information for any vehicle(s) that the technician has been added as a driver for; tapping on this section will expand the vehicles list, where further details for the vehicle can be viewed.
- Additional Vehicles: tapping on the "+" button will open up the list containing all available vehicles.
- If the technician has been given the minimum permissions (outlined above), this list will serve as a read-only list of available vehicles, which can be used to view the inventory item details for each vehicle's inventory.
- If the technician has been given the optional permission to update vehicle drivers ("Update the drivers of a vehicle" under the 'Misc' permissions), the "+" button will allow the tech to add/remove themselves as drivers for the vehicles.
- Number of Vehicles: the total number of vehicles that the technician is currently added as a driver.
- Stop Using: Pressing this will remove the techician as a driver of the vehicle.
- Validate Roles: Super-Admins accessing the Sonar Field Tech app will have this additional button, which allows you to log in and confirm which roles in your instance meet the permission requirements for access to the Sonar Field Tech app.
This screen will display any notifications that are a result of alerting rotations.
Offline Queue
No data service? No problem! The field tech app can be used in either online or offline mode. If your connection is lost, all changes performed while offline will be stored in the offline queue; these changes will automatically sync once the connection is restored.
When service is not present, an orange banner will appear at the top of the app screen, indicating that the server is unavailable and offline mode is enabled. As the user continues to make changes within the app, the "Offline Queue" banner will appear at the bottom of the screen, displaying the total number of changes made in offline mode that are currently queued.

Tapping on the "Offline Queue" banner will open the Offline Queue screen, where the pending changes can be viewed. If the change can be removed from the offline queue, a garbage bin icon will be present next to the queue item. Tapping on the garbage bin icon will allow the user to remove that item and all subsequent items from the offline queue, preventing the change(s) from being automatically synced once the connection is restored.

- adding customer payment methods
- taking a customer payment
- completing tasks that have a completion requirement
- loading the next available IP address, when assigning IPs
Reporting App Issues
If you encounter unexpected behavior while using the Sonar Field Tech app, issues and bugs can be reported directly through the application. This ensures all relevant details are captured alongside the behavior. You can report a bug from any page by:
- Tap on the 3-dot menu in the top-right, and from the options that appear, select "Report a bug"
- This will shrink the page UI, and display the bug reporting interface, which is formed of 3 steps. In the first step, provide some details about the error that was experienced.
- In the second step, screenshots can be added to the bug report. Tap the “Add Screenshot” button to open the capture page.Screenshots from the Sonar Field Tech App are captured entirely in-app. Ensure that you navigate to the correct page to capture the bug, if possible.
- Once your screenshots are captured, they'll automatically be attached to the report once you tap on "Next"
- Screenshots that are added can be removed by tapping on the trashcan icon, and additional screenshots can be added by tapping the "+" icon.
- Screenshots that are added can be removed by tapping on the trashcan icon, and additional screenshots can be added by tapping the "+" icon.
- In the final step, you provide a contact email address. The address entered here will receive updates on the submitted issues, such as workarounds, or be contacted once the issue is resolved. Tap “Next” once the correct email address is entered.
- Finally, with all information filled out, confirm the issue submission by tapping the “Submit” button.
Residential Installation Process Flow Example
Outlined below is a summary of the typical workflow that a technician would encounter during a residential installation for a customer.
- Start the day by logging into the Sonar field tech mobile app. Navigate into the User Details screen to quickly view the list of jobs for the day; also scan the Inventory Items list to ensure we have the equipment needed for today's jobs, and review the inventory available in the assigned vehicle.
- Navigate into the map view of the Jobs screen, and view the first job location.
- Review the job details for the first job, including any associated tasks or relevant notes. Once we are ready to go, we use "Navigate" to head to the job location.When starting navigation through the "Navigate" button, the app will attempt to open the appropriate map for your device. For Apple devices it will attempt to open Apple Maps, for Android devices it will attempt to open Google Maps, otherwise it will attempt to open the web-based Google map.
- Once at the job location, we use the "Check-in and start job" button to start the clock and get begin working.If you need to leave the customer premises during the job, you can use the "Check Out" button to stop the timer and temporarily check yourself out of the job.
- Using the Inventory Items list, we find the piece of equipment that we will assign to the customer's serviceable address, and assign it to the customer using the "Assign Equipment" button.An easy way to do this is to use the "SCAN" button (located underneath 'Assign Inventory'), which will use your mobile device's camera to scan the barcode on the item or the box the item is packaged in.
- Next we complete our provisioning work and assign an IP address to the device, by navigating into the network details screen.
- Once our work at the residence is completed, we take a photo of the CPE and it's location, and upload it as one of our required job tasks.
- Navigating into the Billing Details screen, we generate a one-time invoice for the customer so that they can pay while on-site. From the same screen, we add the customer's payment method to their account and use it to take payment for the installation fee.
- Once we are ready to leave the customer premises, we ensure all of our job tasks have been closed out, and we use the "Complete Job" button to stop the timer and mark the job as finished.
- Navigating back to the Jobs list view, we can see our completed job marked in green and can now move on to our next job of the day.
How-To Guides for the Mobile App
Below you will find several guides that provide directions for performing various actions through the Sonar field tech mobile app; expand any of the sections below to view their step-by-step details.
Add a Credit Card as a Customer Payment Method
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Billing section.
4. Tap on "Billing Details".

5. Scroll down to the Payment Methods section.
6. Tap "+ Add credit card".

7. Enter in the name on the credit card; the account name will be populated here by default.
8. Enter in the credit card number.
9. Enter in the credit card's expiration date (in the format of MM/YY).
10. Enter in the credit card's CVV2 code.
11. The account's associated serviceable address will be populated within the Billing Address section; if the account has a separate mailing address, it will be available to be selected by tapping "Others", as will the option to add a new address.

12. If this card will be used for autopay, enable the "Autopay with this card" checkbox.
13. Tap "+ Add credit card" to add the payment method to the account.

14. The credit card will now appear listed under Credit Cards within the account's Payment Methods section.

Add a Bank Account as a Customer Payment Method
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Billing section.
4. Tap on "Billing Details".

5. Scroll down to the Payment Methods section.
6. Tap "+ Add bank account"

7. Enter in the name the bank account is in; the account name will be populated here by default.
8. Enter in the bank account's routing number.
9. Enter in the bank account number.
10. If this is a savings account, check off the "Savings Account" box; otherwise, this account will be considered a checking account.

11. The account's associated serviceable address will be populated within the Billing Address section; if the account has a separate mailing address, it will be available to be selected by tapping "Others", as will the option to add a new address.

12. If this account will be used for autopay, enable the "Autopay with this account" checkbox.
13. Tap "+ Add bank account" to add the payment method to the account.

14. The bank account will now appear listed under within the account's Payment Methods section.

Assign Equipment to an Account
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Network section.
4. Tap the "Assign Equipment" button.

5. The Assign Inventory window will appear, where you will need to select the inventory item. This can be done by:
a) Scrolling through your list of inventory items,
b) Using the search bar to narrow down your list of inventory items, or
c) Tapping the "SCAN" button to use your mobile device's camera to scan the barcode on the item or the box the item is packaged in.

6. Once you have selected the inventory item you wish to add, it will now appear under ASSIGNED INVENTORY within the Network section.

7. Tapping on any inventory item listed under the ASSIGNED INVENTORY section for an account will navigate you into the Item Details page for that piece of equipment; from this page you will be able to view model information and additional details, as well as view and add IP assignments, notes, or files to the item.
How to Assign IP Addresses
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Network section.
4. Select "Network".

5. Within the Network Details screen, scroll down to the IP Assignments section.
6. Select "+ Assign IP".
7. Within the Assign IP window that appears, select the 3 dot menu (located under Target), to open the IP Assignable Chooser window.

8. From the IP Assignable Chooser window, select the target for the IP address assignment; the selection made here will populate the Target section of the Assign IP window.

9. Back within the Assign IP window, use the "Static IP" field to specify the IP address; to enter in an IP address, you can either:
a) Manually enter in the IP address to the Static IP field.

b) Select the 3 dot menu (from the Static IP field) to open the IP Pool Chooser window, where you can toggle between a flat view (that displays IP pools only), or a hierarchical IP view (that contains supernets, subnets, and pools); based on the selection made here, the IP address will automatically populate the Static IP field.

10. Once you've entered in the IP address, use the "Description" field to enter in any other required information for the assignment.
11. Select "ASSIGN".

12. The new IP assignment will now be displayed under IP Assignments of the Network Details section for the account.

How to Add a Recurring/Expiring Service to an Account
1. Navigate into the Job Details screen for the associated customer's job.
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Billing section.
4. Tap on "Billing Details".

5. Under the Services section, select "Edit Services".

6. From the screen that appears, select the service that will be added to the account. This can be done by:
a) Using the "Search Services" to enter in the service name.
b) Toggling the services that appear in the list based on whether they are a credit or a debit.
c) Using the filters at the top to restrict which service types appear in the list.

7. Once you've selected the service you wish to add, the Add Service To Account window will appear.
8. Use the "Quantity" field to enter in how many of this service should be added.
9. If this service will have a price override, use the "Price Override" field to enter in the new price, and provide a brief explanation in the "Price Override Reason" field.
10. If the service name needs to be changed before being added to the account, use the "Name Override" field to enter in the service name that will appear for the customer.
11. If the bill date for this service is different from the customer's next bill date (configured within their billing settings), enter in the date to the "Next Bill Date" field.
12. Select "Add Service".

13. The service will be added to the account and appear under the account's Services section.

How to Generate a One-Time Invoice
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Billing section.
4. Tap on "Billing Details".

5. Under the Billing History section, tap the "+ Generate One-Time Invoice" button.

6. The Create Invoice window will appear, where you will need to select which debits you wish to invoice, out of the uninvoiced debits available.

Once you select a debit (by tapping on it), the checkmark next to it will turn green; the Total and Invoice Total amounts will be updated to reflect the included debit(s).
7. Enter in an invoice date; the current date will be populated here by default.
8. Optionally, you can enter in an invoice due date, if the invoice due date needs to be different than what is configured within the account's billing settings.
9. Enter in a message to appear on the invoice, if needed. Please note that the text entered here will overwrite any existing invoice message that is in place within the Sonar instance.
10. Tap "CONFIRM" to generate the invoice.

11. The invoice number will now appear for each debit that was invoiced, under the Billing History section of the account.

How to Take a Customer Payment
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Billing section.
4. Tap on "Take Payment".
Note: You can also access this by navigating into the "Billing Details" screen and selecting the "Take Payment" button from there.

5. At the top of the Take Payment screen is where you can determine the amount of the payment, out of 3 options:
Due Now: select this button to have the payment amount be the account's currently due total.
Total: select this button to have the payment amount reflect the account's total balance.
Enter Custom Amount: select this to enter a custom amount for the payment; a Payment Amount window will be displayed, where you will need to enter in the amount in dollars and hit "Enter".

6. Once you have set the payment amount, you can then select which method will be used to make the payment. Cash, check, and wire, and other (e.g., PayPal) will be available as payment methods, in addition to any credit card or bank account that has already been added to the customer's account. Once decided, simply tap on the payment method you wish to use.

7. Tap on the "Review Payment" button.

8. Within the Confirm Payment window that appears, ensure the payment details are correct, and then tap "Confirm".
9. The payment will be made and the account's Due Now and Total Balance amounts will be updated accordingly.
How to Unassign Equipment From an Account
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll down to the Network section.
4. Under ASSIGNED INVENTORY, select the piece of equipment you wish to remove from the account.

5. Within the Item Details screen, tap on "- Unassign Equipment".
Note: All IPs assigned to the inventory item will be removed once the equipment as been unassigned.

6. In the 'Unassign Inventory?' window that appears, select the inventory location that this piece of equipment will be reassigned to (i.e. to your Sonar user, or the vehicle you are currently using).

7. Select "UNASSIGN" from the bottom right corner.
8. Navigating back a screen (to the account page), you will no longer see the inventory item appearing under ASSIGNED INVENTORY.
How to View and Have a Customer Sign a Contract
2. Tap "Account".

3. Scroll through the Account View until you see the Contract section and select the contract to be signed

4. On the contract page, you can allow the customer to view the contract on your device, then click the "Sign Contract" button

5. This will take the customer to the signature page, where they'll use your device to type their name and add their signature.

6. Once the contract is signed, you'll be able to see the contract with a checkbox next to it, and clicking on it will show you the signature.

The signature will be attached to the account and will be viewable within the instance as well as on the Field Tech app.

How to Add and Update Customer Contacts
1. Navigate into the Job Details screen for the associated customer's job.
2. Tap "Contacts" along the bottom navigation bar

3. On the Contacts page, you can click on "Add" to add a new contact to the account, or click on the 3 dots and select Edit from the menu that appears

a) Clicking on the "Add" button will cause the "Create Contact" modal to open, where you can fill in the information for the new contact:

b) Clicking on the 3 dots next to any existing contact and selecting "Edit" from the dropdown will open the "Edit Contact" modal, where you can modify the information for an existing contact:

Important Note: Modifying the "Password" field on an existing contact will reset their customer portal password. Don't modify this unless the customer has requested a change and their identity has been verified.
How to Consume Generic Inventory
1. Navigate to User Details.
2. Expand the items below Generic Inventory Items and tap on the applicable inventory item.

3. Tap on "Consume Items".

4. Input the quanity you need and tap on "Consume".

From Inventory:
1. Navigate to Inventory.
2. Select from the listed Inventory Locations.
3. Locate the applicable model and tap on it.

4. Within Model Details, tap on the item.
5. Tap on Consume Items.

6. In the new modal enter the quantity and tap on Consume.

How to Assign Equipment to a Network Site
1. Locate the job associated with the network site and tab on it to open the Job Details.
2. Tap on the Network Site button alongside the network site name.

3. Tap on the + symbol alongside the applicable inventory item type.

4. In the new modal, locate the inventory item you wish to assign and tap on it.
5. Following this, the item will display as associated with the network site.
How to Add Packages to an Account
1. Starting from the Job Details page, tap through to the customer's account.

2. Scroll down to the Billing section of the account and tap on Add Package.

3. On the new page, locate the package you wish to add and tap on it's title.
4. In the Add Package to Account modal, make any adjustments that may be needed (such as adding quantity to generic parameters), add a checkmark alongside Prorate addition if necessary and tap on Add Package.

Version History
A complete changelog for the different versions of the Sonar Field Tech Mobile App can be found here | Sonar Mobile App Version History