
Enhanced Business Intelligence - Tips & Tricks for Advanced Users

In this article, some caveats and suggestions for getting the most out of your BI Reporting through some advanced tips and tricks.

Mitchell Paul-Soumis
Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

How To Enhance Your Reporting With Custom Field Data

This article will explain how you can use data contained within custom fields on various entities in your instance in order to provide more specificity to your generated Business Intelligence reports.

Mitchell Paul-Soumis
Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Report Licenses

This article provides information on report licenses - what they are, what they include, and how you can obtain them for users within your instance.

Jennifer Trower
Updated by Jennifer Trower

Sonar's Business Intelligence: Overview

This article provides a brief overview of Sonar's Business Intelligence tool, including how to access reports and the related learning resources available.

Kristen Fiddes
Updated by Kristen Fiddes

Understanding Sonar Reports

This article will help illustrate the differences between various reports that exist by default in your Sonar instance, and how they can be used to improve your experience and accelerate your organization's growth.

Mitchell Paul-Soumis
Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

Using Sonar DataConnect to Connect BI Applications with Your Sonar Instance

This article will guide you through requesting your database credentials from Sonar, and importing them into your own BI tool(s), providing you with the ability to leverage the powerful data Sonar stores for your business in the comfort of your preferred software.

Mitchell Paul-Soumis
Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis
