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April 2024 - Archived Release Notes

Kristen Fiddes Updated by Kristen Fiddes

04/30/2024 17:56 CDT

New Features

  1. We've released our FCC Broadband Label Generation Tool, available for use by anyone. For Sonar customers, the generation process makes use of the information you've already configured within your instance
    To read more about this update, please refer to our knowledge base documentation here

04/25/2024 19:32 CDT


  1. The invoice details on an account and invoice sidebar will now display the Tax Calculation Status
  2. Updated the job completion logic to not update the subject or description of an existing ticket; an internal comment will now be created on existing linked tickets upon job completion for job types with the appropriate setup

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where the ‘Run Autopay On Account Activation Invoice’ option in Billing Settings was no longer displayed in the UI
  2. Fixed an issue where the From Phone Number for SMS Messages was not displaying the accurate number

04/24/2024 02:58 CDT

New Features

  1. Introduced an Integration with Calix's Cloud platform
Note: This feature is not yet available for everyone and instead is accessible to those beta testing only - for this reason, you should not see any changes to your Sonar environment.


  1. Updated Account Event entities to capture the ‘Activates Account’ value for account status adjustments

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where Daily Aggregate Values were not calculating for all instances

04/18/2024 18:54 CDT


  1. Introduced the ability to paste images within a ticket internal comment or external reply; this can be achieved by both copy & paste and drag & drop

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where the sidebar menu was not visible when on Network > Network Sites

04/16/2024 19:21 CDT

New Features

  1. We've launched our Invoice Templates feature that provides you the ability to create and customize your invoices to best reflect your brand. The templates you create can be applied at an instance, company, or account type level.
    Note: This feature is not yet available for everyone and instead is accessible to those beta testing only - for this reason, you should not see any changes to your Sonar environment.

04/11/2024 19:13 CDT


  1. When creating a Billing Default for Linked serviceable addresses, the predefined price for selected Available Services now auto-populates
  2. Added address_status_id and network_site_ids to the CreateLinkedAddress mutation

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where CVV and AVS Check statuses were not displayed on new sonarPay transactions
  2. Fixed an issue where SMS notifications for disputes would display unexpected text
  3. Fixed an issue where proration information wasn't displaying correctly on invoices for Anchor accounts

04/09/2024 18:28 CDT


  1. The customer portal is now compatible with Ubuntu versions 20.04 and 22.04

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where changes made to the SMTP in the portal settings were not applying and causing some portal-generated emails to fail

04/04/2024 20:33 CDT


  1. Introduced the ability to email an invoice or statement to a customer, regardless of the configured bill mode
  2. Enhanced user notifications to separate alerts by ticket assigned to a user or assigned to a group the user is part of

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where adding payment methods with a non-US address to sonarPay would cause errors to occur

How did we do?
