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January 2023 - Archived Release Notes

Mitchell Paul-Soumis Updated by Mitchell Paul-Soumis

01/26/2023 18:38 CST

New Features

  1. Additional options are now included when editing a Job in Sonar. The Assignee and Job Type are now able to be adjusted when editing a Job, as well as the creation of a Note.
    To learn more about the Edit Job options, please refer to Sonars knowledge base here: Edit Job Options

01/24/2023 18:44 CST


  1. Added the ability to create anchor text within the text editor
  2. Updated the technician filters in Scheduling Dispatch View and Week View to only filter against Schedule Availabilities that apply to the day or week currently in view

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue in the Batch Payment Entry tool where the Payment Transaction ID input field for PayPal payments was the incorrect input type
  2. Added a limit to the size of an Invoice Attachment (20MB) to prevent issues with emails being delivered
  3. Fixed an issue where the Tax input fields were not appearing for users with the proper permissions when creating or editing services

01/19/2023 18:17 CST


  1. FCC Data Exports no longer require a Data Service in order to be created; a data export can now be created with only Voice Services selected

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where some report data was not always reflecting the latest version of a record after a sync

01/17/2023 19:04 CST


  1. Global Search will now search against Custom Field data and Ticket subjects
  2. Updated the wording of the “Generate Invoice On Account When First Activated” option in Settings > Billing > Billing Settings to “Generate Invoice On Initial Activation Of Account” to better reflect the functionality
  3. Added +/- indicators to the amount column for Tax Transactions in the Accounts > Billing > Transactions table to help differentiate Credit and Debit transactions
  4. Improved the consistency of report data synchronization

Bug Fixes

  1. Removed the ability to delete a Serviceable Address from an account page
  2. Fixed an issue where the Edit and drop-down options for a service were not accessible in Accounts > Billing > Services & Packages when the account service name was too long
  3. Fixed an issue where the label for “All Public Views” was incorrect in the All Saved Views modal accessed through the “Select View” option found in any table with Simple and Advanced filters
  4. Fixed an issue where users with only the “View Account Reports” permission could not access Reports

01/10/2023 19:37 CST


  1. Added the ability to resend unsigned contracts
  2. Added a warning when attempting to delete a Voice Provider to advise that this action will also remove all associated Voice Provider Rates
  3. Added Time Zone as an Advanced Filter option for the Address entity
  4. Added Mass Message variables to the Saved Message editor
  5. Unified labeling in the Communication Tools section
  6. Reenabled the creation of Call Detail Record imports

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue with the word “due” appearing for some notifications related to tasks that did not have a due date
  2. Fixed an issue where the Total Balance value on an account was not including taxes from uninvoiced transactions
  3. Fixed an issue with an Unexpected Error message occurring when attempting to create a new Purchase Order where the total taxes exceeded 21,474,836.47
  4. Fixed an issue with the Time Zone Simple Filter in the Settings > Accounts > Serviceable Addresses table causing an error

Update 01/05/2023 21:21 CST

New Features

  1. Introduced a user preference setting, found under the User Profile page, that allows users to choose their preferred landing page that is loaded when first logging in to, or opening a new tab, of Sonar
    1. To learn more about this new option, please refer to Sonars knowledge base here: Controlling Your Landing Page: Personal Preferences


  1. Redesigned the layout of the User Profile page, which is accessed through the avatar icon in the top-right corner of the Sonar instance

Update 01/03/2023 20:08 CST


  1. Updated Day selection lists to display sequentially as opposed to alphabetically
  2. The options list in Settings is now independently scrollable from the main page
  3. Updates to Role permissions to alleviate confusion around what they control
    1. Added Read Access Log permission and renamed the label to 'Read View History'
      1. Users with this permission will be able to see the View History on an Account
    2. Renamed “View all timeseries data” to 'View data usage and device statistics'
  4. Updated the ‘Service’ label in the Settings > Usage Based Billing Policies table to ‘Overage Service’

Bug Fixes

  1. Updated the processing of the Next Recurring Charge on an account to alleviate issues with an incorrect amount when recalculating after adding packages and/or services
  2. Fixed an issue with importing duplicate radius session histories from FreeRadius
  3. Fixed an issue with Autobuy processing for Sonar service credits that would occur when there were multiple instances of Sonar
  4. Fixed an issue where a users email address could be updated to an email address already in use
  5. Fixed an issue where completed Scheduled Events could be deleted
  6. Fixed an issue where the Amount value in the Voice Provider Rates table was displaying incorrectly
  7. Fixed an issue with timestamp display in the conversation history on a ticket
  8. Fixed an issue with payments to IPpay failing by adding support for another gateway

How did we do?
