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November 2020 - Archived Release Notes

Update 11/30/2020 19:13

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue when deleting user roles associated with adjustment services, which was resulting in a cascade delete and would therefore make the adjustment service unavailable in the instance

Update 11/25/2020 21:25


  1. Corrected a misspelling in the "Whether or not Autopay runs the entire amount due" Email Variable
  2. Added the ability to search by Account Name or Account ID to the Account field in the Batch Payment Entry Billing Tool
  3. Improved Elevation Tool usability by starting the y-axis closer to the lowest height of the path, rather than always at sea level
  4. Added the ability to have the Elevation tool calculate in Imperial measurements in addition to Metric
  5. Added the ability to use the Elevation Profile tool from within the Map Interface
  6. Added the ability to select a Network Site and see Elevation Profile information when interacting with a Serviceable Address
  7. Added the ability to toggle between the map view and line of sight information in the Elevation Profile tool

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue with the Filter Search which was causing erratic results to be returned
  2. Fixed an issue which could cause the filtered map results to fall out of sync with the selected filter if the applied filter was changed before the map could fully load all results
  3. Fixed an issue which caused Proration to calculate incorrectly
  4. Fixed an issue which was preventing users from adding IMSI, OP/OPc, and LTE Auth Keys to a single Inventory device for use with Telrad

Update 11/18/2020 20:37

New Features

  1. Added the ability to perform mass updates to tickets


  1. Added the ability to search for accounts by ID within the Batch Payment Entry tool

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed spacing and display issues with buttons found in the Accounts screen and the Dispatcher view
  2. Fixed an issue that was causing the usage based billing graphs for accounts to not accurately represent the actual data usage
  3. Fixed an issue that was causing the "Edit" button to be overlapped for services on an account and also preventing services on an account from being edited
  4. Fixed an issue that was sometimes causing an error when attempting to load the map
  5. Fixed an issue that was causing a rounding error on the billable data usage graph
  6. Fixed an issue that was preventing a task template item from being created, when trying to add in a completion requirement of uploading an image
  7. Updated account services display logic
  8. Fixed an issue that was causing graph tooltips to be displayed in raw unformatted values
  9. Fixed an issue that was causing an error to be displayed and certain screens to not load data properly

Update 11/18/2020 18:39

New Features

  1. Completed the implementation of usage based billing
  2. Added the ability to set completion requirements for both task and task template items

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue when creating a scheduled event to change an account's status, where only the first 25 account statuses were being displayed and selectable from the 'Account Status' list
  2. Fixed an issue when adding services to an account, so that now only services that can be added to an account will be visible and displayed in the list of services

Update 11/13/2020 12:35

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was resulting in logging out not redirecting to the login screen

Update 11/09/2020 16:53

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was preventing the Tax Identification field for companies from being cleared out, when a value was previously set

Update 11/06/2020 14:10

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was resulting in logging out not redirecting to the login screen

Update 11/05/2020 14:41


  1. Improved performance of scheduled events when they are triggered

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was preventing a user from successfully logging out of an instance

Update 11/04/2020 22:06

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where upcoming jobs were not visible from the Dispatcher view but were visible on the map within the Dispatcher view

Update 11/04/2020 18:50


  1. Added the ability to use one time services when scheduling an event
  2. Updated the map to only display accounts with an active status, by default
  3. Added labels to the map for features such as roads, cities, etc.
  4. Added in a title header to the window that appears when creating or editing a one time service, adjustment service, or overage service; the titles also now reflect the specific service type

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was causing an unexpected error when trying to schedule an account disconnection event
  2. Fixed a timeout issue that was causing data exports to consistently fail for certain instances
  3. Fixed an issue that was causing only a small subset of points to actually be rendered on the map
  4. Fixed an issue that was causing the Dispatcher view to not display jobs if they fell into the next day when being converted to UTC time zone
  5. Fixed an issue with mismatched variable names that was sometimes causing an error when attempting to load the triggered emails screen
  6. Fixed an issue that was causing data usage graphs to be displayed in bytes, rather than megabytes
  7. Fixed an issue that was resulting in unnecessary disconnects for all RADIUS accounts instead of just the intended RADIUS account, when the change on the account triggered a CoA disconnect

How did we do?
