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October 2023 - Archived Release Notes

Kristen Fiddes Updated by Kristen Fiddes

10/26/2023 19:25 CDT

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that may have caused timeouts for sonarPay transactions

10/20/2023 22:27 CDT

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was causing old API entities to no longer work; query functionality for email_categories and triggered_emails is now resolved

10/19/2023 18:59 CDT


  1. Added a tooltip to reflect the full name of IP Pools within the Create DHCP Server modal
  2. Renamed the following API entities:
    1. TriggeredEmail is now TriggeredMessage
    2. EmailCategory is now MessageCategory

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was causing the Avalara account types “Industrial” and “Senior Citizen” to not show as options when configuring the Calix integration, specifically within the “Delinquency Services” portion
  2. Fixed an issue caused when trying to provision an RG Port with the Calix integration

10/17/2023 19:53 CDT


  1. Added the variable “Invoice Due Date” to the triggers “Billing runs successfully on an account” and “An invoice is manually emailed to a contact”

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue affecting the import of serviceability statuses from Vetro FiberMap

10/12/2023 18:53 CDT

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue that was causing errors to populate when processing a large number of CDRs

10/10/2023 19:26 CDT


  1. Added the ability to configure Generic Parameters for Voice Services when creating a Scheduled Event with a package that includes Voice Services

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue affecting the view of Provisioning Details for Calix when deleting them
  2. Fixed an issue that was causing addresses not to be saved when importing tokenized data into sonarPay
  3. Fixed an issue that was preventing permissioned users not assigned to a job from checking out other users already checked into said job

10/04/2023 19:10 CDT


  1. Removed the Calix Integration SMX Version field

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed styling issues found on small display screens when viewing the transactions table on an Account
  2. Fixed an issue where some transactions did not have the correct fee amounts when using the sonarPay payment processor

How did we do?
